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New friends & Bitter Revelations

Jonnet and Brock met a forghtnight after she and her aunt had come to Nicholas's home. Brock had happened to be on hand when the car driven by the two students from the agricultural college broke down.

Having tried to get it going without success, Brock had taken the students home to Blue River Dawns, where they stayed the night. The following morning he drove them over to Bali Creek, promising to get someone to repair their car and drive it over to them.

"We're very grateful," said Richard, a good looking young man of twenty one whose eyes flicked with admiration on sighting Jonnet, who was strolling towards the terrance where the four men stood.

Nicholas introduced her, oblivious of Richard's interest but not, apparently of Brock's. For his grey eyes narrowed a little on his noticing of just how long Julia's brother held Jonnet's hand in his.

"You didn't tell us she was so devastatingly pretty!' He exclaimed in laughing tones. 'And she can blush, too! How enchantingly naive. Jonnet, we must get to know one another better!"

"You'll soon discover,' commented Nicholas in that cool slow drawl of his, 'that Brock is the outback's greatest flirt."

Another laugh from Brock. He released Jonnet's hand but kept his admiring gaze fixed upon her face.

"I shouldn't have thought the were many girls with whom to flirt,' said Jonnet and, catching Nicholas's eye, she reddened a little, aware that he was recalling Julia's assertion that she, Jonnet, had described the outback as dull and uninteresting.

"There are a fair number,' returned Brock. 'You'll be meeting some of them when we have our woodshed dance next week."

"Next week? Nicholas glanced questionably at him. 'Julia didn't mention any shed dance."

"Mother only made up her mind this morning. You how she is: tardy for weeks, then once she's made up her mind it has to be done right away. I've invited Richard and David here, and now I've passed the news onto you. We'll expect you a week from today, Nicholas - and don't forget to bring Jonnet and her aunt."

"Thanks, Brock. You're not going yet, are you?"

"I'd like to get back before dark."

Nicholas looked powerfully at the car, standing on the forecourt of the house.

"It won't take you more than a couple of hours, despite the state of the roads around these parts. Once off the tracks you'll do ninety miles an hour."

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