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"Tough times never last, but tough people do." Dr. Robert Schuller

She heard the sound of an engine and managed to rise from her cramped position. She waved her arms, rather feebly, it was over twenty-four hours since she had left the homestead and the heat and the sun had robbed her both of body water and strength. After walking for hours during the morning she was fatigued and had rested under a shade of small trees and it was then she heard the sound of an aeroplane.

She had been dozing and by the time she had stood up and tried running after it, the plane was becoming smaller and smaller. Tears of disappointment and hopelessness flooding her cheeks.

For a long while she remained still out In the open, but exhausted and suffering extreme discomfort from sunburn on her arms and legs she once again sought the shelter of a tree.

'Come back - come back !' She had cries, and then sank down where she stood; and she never moved until the sound of the aeroplane was heard again, now she continued waving, fearing that the pilot might miss her again. And at first it did seem thst he had missed her, he was flying away; she cries out despite the knowledge that he'd never be able to hear her.

'Don't go! Look back again - please look back!' She watched the dark object in the sky, her body seeming detached from her brain, numbed limbs and dead feelings in the pit of her stomach, while her brain continued to cry out, but silently , for the pilot to look back.

The plane circled suddenly and feeling returned to her body as her heart was given hope and nerves expectant. She lifted her arm; he had seen her, she realized, and sheer relief returned the sensation of lost feeling.

The pilot continued to circle around looking for a place to land, she was conscious of slow paralysis enveloping her, which resulted in total oblivion.

She woke up to white walls and smell of antiseptic, and realized at once that she was in hospital.

Jonnet closed her eyes again, aware of burning limbs. Memory flooded in with all that happened from the time she went off all alone in the bush to the moment when relief washed over her when she was rescued, what had occurred since then? And how long had she been here?

Turning her head on sensing a movement beside the bed, she looked up the tired eyes of the Nicholas.

No sound left her lips even though she opened her mouth to apologise for all the trouble she caused.

"How are you feeling, Jonnet?" Quite tone, almost anxious. Jonnet was surprised wondering how his anger can be suppressed like this, "you're burned, though,' he said after she had answered him that she was fine. 'You must be experiencing some pain?"

"Yes,' she nodded, 'I do have a stinging in my legs and arms.' She paused, he made no comment. 'I'm so sorry, Nicholas, for all the trouble I've put everyone through." She said no more, since it struck her that whatever she offered as an explanation or excuse must sound ridiculous.

"Was it you who found me?" She managed after a while, and he nodded his head.

"Yes - ' he stopped and she noticed the tightinig of his jaw. 'I'd begun to lose hope. I knew you couldn't have gone too far away, being on door, and yet I couldn't spot you."

"I heard the plane, on two occasions, but each time I was sheltering among the trees I dozed off, and by the time I got up to run from under them, you were flying away, it was you, in the aeroplane all the the time?'

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