Meeting Dean

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4 months since the wedding and their twin's birthday.

2002 December 1st

It was close to Christmas break, Finally I'm ready for the three week break off I get to spend it time with my two beautiful kids,their uncle Will..Oh Marisol too. I was walking towards the doors to leave really didn't pay attention to where I was going not that moment after I bumped into a guy "Hey, watch were you're goin-" before I could finish a pair of beautiful green emerald eyes has caught mine "Oh I'm sorry" he smiled sweetly

"It's fine. Just be careful next time. C'mon Sammy." He said leaving with a teenage boy with brown hair which I'm guessing is his little brother. I went outside seeing Will waking to me "Hey Brother, I saw that you bumped into a hot guy." My eyes widen from the words my twin said I mean he's a shy,stuttering cry baby 21 year old Let's say I was 16 when Marisol got pregnant she was 18 at the time so she's 25 right now yet I never expect for him to say something like that.

"You know him?" I asked

"I wish I heard stories about him from his brother Sam." He pointed straight at to the same teenage boy.

"How do you know him?"

"He kept coming to the bakery I work at to study so we became friends he told me a few things about himself,what happened to his mom,the hunting life even had a few stories about his brother." I was moving my hands around in circles to hear the stories about the man with big green eyes.

"Okay, Okay. His name is Dean Winchester. He's about to turn 23 next month,he's a dad but his oldest daughter and younger son were  taken away by people in gray suits sad story I've cried,he was quite a ladies man in high school. Sam told me he used to cheat,how he hasn't been dating anyone since his fiancé died a year ago and he's also hunter. He told me he's the best." Will shrugged.

"Well I have to go work I-l-I'll see you later b-bro" Ah there it is. The stuttering.

"Later Will." I went went back to my dorm to see Marisol sitting on my bed "Ohmygod Marisol you tryna give me a heart attack." She giggled

"Sorry hun, I wanted to tell you something." I rolled my eyes.

She fixed the collar of my yellow shirt "Don't worry my husband it's not that bad" ugh. I hate that she calls me that don't even get me started with the sex which we haven't done in like a month in a half. I've been wearing protection and pulling out in time whenever we did it so she won't get pregnant again.

"My parents want to take me and the kids out of town. They didn't invite you because they thought you might want to spend time with your brother since both of your lives are busy." She got a point since I'm married with five year olds twin I haven't been spending all that time with my baby brother.

"You have fun. I do have some catching up to do with Will." She got on her tippy toes pecking my lips. So much for trying to spend rime with the family but staying away from her and kids might be nice I thought to myself.

"Love you. I'ma go pack. I leave tomorrow." I wiped my lips in disgust. I'd rather kissed those plump lips of Dean. Marisol and Will helped me figure out my sexuality which I was grateful about. I came out as bisexual to them and they been supportive about it. Will came out as gay when he was 17 and I was 19 when I came out...Marisol told me she was Pansexual and how Kat was the first one to take her virginity..sounds kinda hot if you ask me.

I decided to take nap maybe for the rest of the day.

Dean's POV

When that guy bumped into me I couldn't help by getting lost into his eyes. Man they're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Wait. What am I saying I'm not gay? Right? Well Sam always tell me how I keep eyeing other guys even my crush on Dr.Sexy (😏) I'm guessing I am.

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