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I might have to reconsider the whole hating buses situation.

Through out the journey to the university, I learned that she was an English major, had a thing for Corrine Bailey Ray, and she absolutely adored books.
I couldn't really express in words how beautiful she looks when she talks; it's something you would have to experience for yourself to understand. And the way her voice pairs up with her hair blowing around her face and the way she smiles with her eyes, it was all just very unique and wholeheartedly.. pretty.

I silently prayed for the ride to never end, for us to keep conversing. But soon enough it was time to walk out our separate ways into the buildings.

I nervously gripped the strap of my backpack as I glanced at the tall structure and ran my fingers through my hair. If we had classes in the same school I wouldn't have really thought for it to be an issue, but she was a good three buildings away and there was no way I could see her on campus without running 800 meters back and forth, at the least.

"Well I guess I'll see you around, Park Jimin." She says fixing her hair.
I don't usually, also kind of dislike to, hear people speak out my surname when being addressed, but I wouldn't mind hearing it escape her lips for the rest of my life.

"See you around, Kim Luna."
Our eyes meet and she gives me one last smile before she is swallowed by a dozen of kids calling for her and she walks away.



I whip my head towards the voice of my best friend as he walks towards me exhausted and panicked.

"Please, please, please tell me you brought your cardiology notes", Kim Taehyung says as he swung his weight onto my shoulders.

He looks up from his phone and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I think I might've actually met someone!!" I squealed as I sat next to him, clutching his arm.

"Who is it this time?" He asked looking back at his phone, uninterested.
"No no no, Jungkook, I'm serious. I think I really like this guy." I said trying to get his attention. He shook his head as he looked at me, but his lips did pull back into a slightly teasing smirk.

"Okay, okay, But about the essay," he says changing the subject, "Did you find an author to focus on yet?"
I gave him the ugliest stink eye I possibly could as I answered, "Yeah, what did you expect?"

"Aww", He smiles as he pats my hair down mimicking a response a child would love and I slapped his hand away.

Jungkook and I have been close friends since the beginning of college. In our first ever semester, we weren't very outgoing people and liked to more or less hide behind novels rather than socialize, but I couldn't resist the urge to talk to him when I saw him burying his face in a copy of Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None' one day and well, we just hit it off. From then on we partnered up for every project, every literary paper and essay. He is smart and I am enthusiastic and thus we produced remarkable work. We went out for movies and and on hunts for novels and whenever I needed a stationery haul, and bowls of ramen at 12am and the like.
He was, and is, the closest friend I've ever made.

We sat through lecture after lecture, and paper reviews after the other, and I hadn't failed to think about Jimin every second through it.
His name itself was so enthralling on its own. If you could pair a perfect name along with the perfect person, you would get Park Jimin.I glanced out the window at all different department every now and then wondering about what he might be doing.

What is the need for separate buildings again??

It was extremely unlikely we would get to meet after classes since lengths of the daily schedules were different for every stream, and that most probably rules out the bus ride home. I hadn't really planned for what to do really with this phase of a relationship with him, but it was nerve racking and I loved it.

After class, Jungkook and I hopped into his white Honda Fit which we call 'Elizabeth the 22nd' and drove back to my apartment. We still had about three papers and an essay due Friday and it was already Wednesday, and so we had decided to finish about 50 percent or more of it by this evening.

"Should we get some fried chicken on the way?" I asked.
"Duh, but first," He rolled his fingers into a fist, "Rock Paper Scissors, you lose you pay." He smirks.

I had swallowed a large mouthful of my burrito when Namjoon and Seokjin had walked over to where Taehyung and I sat. They weren't from our class or our department but we shared lunch together with Namjoon. Seokjin usually caught up with us when he's got a free class.

"Have you seen the others?" Seokjin asked as he sat down. Tae shook his head in response.
"Although I did see Hoseok earlier today," he said.

"Don't forget about Yoongi's birthday this Saturday. I went through such crap to get people and throw a party this year and I do not want you guys blowing it off", Namjoon warned digging into his noodle bowl.

"We know", I chuckled, "You must have crafted a blueprint for it."
Seokjin laughs at Namjoon as he looks at me and says, "hey, don't mess with an architect and his blueprints."

"Did you tell Jungkook?" Tae asks.
"He's not one to forget usually" I said.

"Speaking of Jungkook, where is he?"

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