chapter 15

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I woke up and shook Jane

" Jane wake up we have to go to the woods now!!" I screamed and that seem to wake her up.

"What why" she said in a sleepy voice .

"The moon goddess told me to and there we will find what we seek and she said we have to find my real parents Esmeralda and Ethan. But please, can we go now?" I finished dressed and we ran out.

We ran to the woods and  looked around but found nothing . I sat down on the grass and looked up and asked the moon goddess wat she wants us to find and I gess she answered because we hurd a whimper.
In a tree there was a baby laying and whimpering. There was a letter with

To who may read this
Please take good care of him he is a sweet boy and I would like u to not tell him that I left him. Let him think he is yours.

And that was it. I looked at Jane and saw her looking at the baby with love. I hurd my kitten say "myne" I gess he is my son.

I picked him up and his whimper stop. I felt my breast getting heavy and sore, I looked down and I saw my breast that they have milk in. The baby pulled down my bra and stared sucking and swallowed all the milk it could.

I hurd a moan and saw Jane looking at my breast with lust. I just laughed and walked back. I was about to walk in the house when Jane pulled me agents her.

"Please pull you're bra back on I don't want eni-one seeing you're breast just me and rayon can see and taste them." She said with a kinda angry voice .I pulled the baby back and pulled my bra back on but it hurt and I let out a painful grunt. Jane saw it and took my hand pulling me to the bedroom fast.

When we got to the bedroom, she closed the door and pulled off my bra. It felt better she pulled me and rayon to the bed and let me lay down she undress and then clim in with us.

"Jane I don't know how to be a mother!" I started to cry

"Baby look at me" I looked up and she said "do u think I know how to be a mother, but together we will and we will call you're  parents and I'll do that in about an hour"she pulled me closer but rayon whimpered and reached  out for her. She pulled him close but still he did not stop he then reached out for me. I moved closer and stared laughing,

" Looks like his goanna be a hand full"Jane fell asleep and not long after her I had a nape.

I woke up and saw the time it was 9:39 guess I had to wake up and do paper work before tomorrow. school is tomorrow but I think its best if we do home school so I can look after Kayla and rayon and the pack. I stared moving but rayon stared whimpering so picked him up and rapped us up in a blanket so we don't get cold. Before I left I made sure Kayla was getting warm.

I was in my office with rayon in my lap looking  for the queens number. I found it after sometime and dialed it.

"Hello alpha Jane" I hurd the  queens voice

"Hello my queen sorry to bother but I think I have you're daughter" I hurd a scream and shobs.

"Please when can I see her and how sure are you?"

"Well she is my mate and she is a kitten shifter, the moon goddess told her to look for her mother Esmeralda and her father Ethan. And you are are the only kitten shifters alive " I said and then it was quite. I looked down at my baby a he looked up at me blue eyes just like Kayla would.

"Hey little one  what's wrong?" he looked at me and smiled. I kissed his forehead and hurd someone on the phone.

"Sorry please repeat that ?" I asked.

"When can we come I wanna see her please Jane "why is she asking?she IS the queen!

" eni time my queen , u don't need to asked come when ever you want but please be careful .she has been abused and beaten from the age of I don't know , but please just be careful and we have a son rayon so she is still in the mother protective mode"I just wanna make sure they know

"Thank you Jane and we will and I wanna KNOW WHO HURT MY BABY AND I WILL KILL THEM myself" she screamed and that made rayon whimper and then he started crying.

"Will do ..I got to go my queen but I will see u soon" and with that it was over and I was stuck with a crying rayon.

"Hay buddy you hungry" I pulled us up and walked in to the room. Kayla was still sleeping but on her back so i placed him on her chest and he wasted no time and stared sucking I layed my head on her chest and watched as he sucked and closed his eyes and fell asleep like that.

Kayla groan and then she opened her eyes. "Morning love " she kissed me on the lips and I kisser her back. I pulled away after  awhile and just layed there holding her.

"Hey love I know it urly but u gonna have to get up because you're real parents are here" I told her and right after I said that the bell ring and everyone in the  pack started to get nervous and telling everyone to get up because the king and queen is here . well I guess its time to get up

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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