8 | New house

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"It's a 15 hour drive from where we are now, to your exact address, with it being Friday and ya living in New York, having to stop for gas since we drive a truck, and we will be passing through Philadelphia and Washington, it'll probably take us 18 hours to get there give it take" I explained to Emily on the phone as we stood in our now empty apartment.

"Okay! If you need anything at all call me! If I don't answer just call one of us!" I could hear the smile on her lips as I hung up the phone. I couldn't wait to be in Atlanta.

"Are you ready?" I asked grabbed my phone off the counter and the keys to the car. "Sure am!" She smiled. I returned the smile and we made our way to Atlanta. We were finally leaving to start our new lives.

I wasn't allowed to drive, Incase of a seizure. It was annoying having to be monitored all the time but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

We have been on the road for roughly six hours, the sun was starting to set and the highway was cluttered with cars. I had my feet on the dash and I decided to go out on a whim and text Norman.

I snapped a picture of my feet on the dash with the small highway in front of me.

Text to: Norman Reedus

Attachment: 1 image.
10 more hours and I'll be in Atlanta (:

I smiled at my message and my picture and pressed the send button. Kayla and I sang along to the songs on the radio before we decided to stop and get some dinner.

Text from: Norman Reedus

YAYY!! So closeee, be safe!

"Who are got texting huh?" Kayla said cutting me off as we bought snacks for the next half of the trip. "Norman" I smiled and showed her the text we had shared. She looked at me and winked.


Text to: Emily Kinney

Twenty minutes away!!

I texted in excitement as we were now thru the city of Atlanta and was close to our new home. When we pulled I got he driveway Emily's car was parked out front along with another vehicle what I didn't recognize.

When we pulled into the driveway we parked and climbed out. When we walked inside it was quite, too quite. It wasn't until we rounded the corner and we heard yelling

"Surprise!" A whole bunch of people screamed. I jumped back in surprise and pulled Kayla along with me. They were all laughing at our reactions as Emily came forward and pulled me into a hug. "What's all this?" I asked laughing at nothing really.

"A little welcome home party" she winked. "Norman set it all up" I glanced behind her at Norman as he winked and came over to me and pulled me into a slight hug. "Welcome home" I smiled at him. "Norman this is Kayla, Kayla this is Norman" I introduce the two and they said a quick hello and we moved on.

By now everyone was drinking and partying with each other and we were all having a ball. Kayla was off with Emily probably getting to know each other as I stood with Lauren and talked.

By midnight the crowd had thinned out and there were only a couple of us left. "Did you see my new Instagram picture" Norman said bringing me out of my thoughts and sitting on the other side of the couch. I gave him a confused look.

I pulled my phone out and searched his name. The first thing that popped up was the picture I had sent him earlier with the caption.

'15 hours until a life time'278,688 likes 3490 comments

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'15 hours until a life time'
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I smiled over at him. We talked for a little while longer. These people made me feel like I had an amazing family, like I had someone I could fall back on. "Maelin? Maelin" I tried to look over at Norman but I couldn't. My legs and arms were completely numb.

I was going to have a seizure.

"Maelin" Norman was now sitting next to me, although I couldn't move I could feel that he was now sitting there, his hand in my back and the other on my thigh like the first time.

"Kayla!" I heard Norman yell as I started to convulse. I could hear Kayla's footsteps followed by everyone else who was in the house. "God damn it" Kayla cussed as he came up to the other side of her. "How long has she been like this?" She asked Norman. "About 2 minutes. She was talking then just stopped"

I could feel myself stop convulsing and they all sighed in relief as I slowly came out of us. I cracked my knuckles and sat up. "I'm sorry" I sighed eyeing everyone in the room.

They all went back to what they were doing and it left me sitting next to Norman. "I think I'm cursed, you always have them around me" Norman sighed and eyes me worriedly. "I know, it'll be okay! They will stop happening so often" I reassured.

He smiled and we joined the others and started to enjoy ourselves.

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