Meeting Your Family

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Tony Stark: welp ummm he met your little brother who lives with your older brother and ummmm he can't meet your dad cause you don't consider him your dad and your mommas gone sooo shit this got depressing

Steve Rogers: Your hoe ass step sister tried gettin with him even tho you knew Steve ain' gon do shit you told her straight up "bitch I ain't know how people raise their kids first class but down here we ain't do the hoe ass tryna get with a taken man shit so it's in your best interest to back the fuck off unless you wanna actually wanna see as you refer to it "hood rat" side and lose sum teeth bitch" she then threw her drink on you and ummmm you may or may not have grabbed her hair and shove her face into dirty sink water and punched some of her fake teeth out 😅

Clint Barton: Like him you were an orphan but he did meet your tortoise who's the same age as you

Thor: He was a nervous wreck and he fainted because your little brother had a tiny version of him

Bruce Banner: Your parents were iffy because of the whole hulk thing but he didn't mind

Peter Parker: Well he already knows Pepper and your somewhat half stepdad Tony. But he met your dad when you were visiting him on a weekend and he kept stuttering

Natalia Romanova: You cut off your parents because the hated her

Loki: Well he knew your mom and the way he met your family kinda scared him

Pietro Maximoff: Well your dad didn't like him but when he gave him a chance it was too late

Bucky Barnes: He met your older brother when he came to stay with y'all for a month or two while he was on break from the army. Boy oh boy that was fun screaming at the tv talkin bout the military boy oh boy poor Buck was so confused at y'all screaming "OH GO CHOKE OH MY FAT DICK YOU LOOSE HANDED PITCHER" (A/N me and my friend have screamed this during a baseball game)

(A/N sorry if my writing sounds "ghetto" I try not to sound ghetto but I live in a ghetto area so it's like in my system and I live down south soooo that explains the y'all part and on top of that that's how I can best explain if you want a book report I'm the bitch to go to all my ELA teachers loved my book reports and say I sound very mature and can tell that I wrote it (its a bad and good thing cause ppl will try and pay me to write their report but I can't cause well people know my writing

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