The Truth Comes Out

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"Malfoy?" What the hell? "What are you doing here? How did you get in? How did you know where to find me?"

Malfoy held up his hands. "Whoa," he said. "Slow down. First, I didn't know where to find you. I've been searching all night. Second, I got in with this." He held up the green cloth. I guess it wasn't a dream. I shivered, remembering how I used to be able to see into Voldemort's mind via my dreams. "It's a concealment remover, used by Gringotts curse-breakers. And third..." he hesitated. "I'm here to help you."

"Help me?" I asked doubtfully. Since when – except for the wand which still confused me – did Malfoy ever want to help me?

Malfoy sighed. "Look, I know I've been a complete and total asshole."

"You could say that." I still had no clue what he was getting at – and was starting to worry I was about to have to grab my wand.

"It's just....I knew if I ended up trying to be your friend, I would end up exposing what I am – and if that ever got out..." he shivered at the thought.

"Okay, Malfoy," I said. "I'm completely confused. What are you on about?"

Malfoy looked scared – actually scared – as if he was torn between whether or not to tell me what the ruddy hell he was talking about. Then – "Harry, I'm gay."

"Oh." Okay, whatever it was I was expecting, it was definitely not that. There were a few gay kids at the middle school I attended before I knew anything about the Wizarding world. But they were outcasts. And were the biggest targets of all the bullies. Honestly, they were the only students I actually felt any connection with. Not that they knew it, of course. I was an even bigger outcast than them. But, of all Hogwarts students to be gay, Malfoy? It just seemed too impossible to consider. Then I started to piece the puzzle together: Malfoy throwing me a wand to fight Voldemort. Malfoy refusing to give my identity away to the Death Eaters, even though he knew it was me behind the swollen face caused by Hermione's Stinging Jinx.

"You said that if you were to become my friend, you would end up exposing what you are," I began slowly. "So that means..." No. It was impossible.

"Yes," he said. "Ever since that first night at Hogwarts, I have been madly in love with you."

But it just didn't make sense. "If you loved me so much – even though you had to pretend to hate me – why would you disrespect my best friends so much?"

"Well...." he hesitated. "In Weasley's case, I guess that was just pure jealousy. As for Granger, let's just say I did exactly what I swore at a very young age I never would – I became my hateful father. I honestly wish I could take back every mean, vile, hateful, selfish thing I ever said or did. But I know I can't. I guess I'll just leave if you want me to. I just hope that, in time, you'll find it in your amazing heart to forgive me."

He started to walk away. I don't know why I did it, but looking back, I am so glad I did. I hurried over to him. "Draco?"

Apparently shocked that I had actually called him by his first name, he stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to me, his smile growing. Then, without even thinking, I grabbed his collar pulled his body to mine, and kissed him hard. It was amazing. I had definitely never kissed another guy before, but the feeling was too wonderful to even comprehend. As our lips melded as one, his tongue probed my mouth. I opened it willingly, and allowed him full access. My head was spinning, as if I had had one too many bottles of Madame Rosmerta's finest Oak-Matured Mead. After what seemed like an eternity – and I wished it was much longer – Draco pulled back. He kissed me softly on the lips, then looked deep into my eyes. His kind, piercing gaze reminded me so much of Dumbledore.

"Wow," he said. I agreed infinitely with that sentiment. "I never knew you had it in you...Harry."

I smiled at the use of my first name. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Draco."

"Oh, yeah?" he asked, his voice husky and seductive. "Like what?"

"Like the fact that I have only kissed three people in my entire life, and the one that felt the most amazing was with the person standing right in front of me."

He smiled as if his birthday had come early. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me as well."

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, repeating him. "Like what?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you."

Then he laid me down on the sleeping bag, and kissed me passionately and erotically. That was the night I lost my virginity.

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