Little Gifts.

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It had been so long since you had seen each other...longer then you really liked.

Your parting had been filled with many tears but also with many promises. Promises to write each other letters, to think about each other every day, and to be together again one day. They were promises that you intended to keep, every last one of them.

"I love you, Y/N." Sying whispered softly.

"I love you too."

Your last embrace was the longest yet and the hardest to end. One final kiss was all you had until you and the merman were reunited one drove away from the roar of the ocean and from your love, remembering your promises.

The first letter was sent the very second you got home, a short but sweet message carried away over the ocean by an old Tupperware set.

Placing the letter safely inside, you set the plastic case on the waves and watched it roll away into the deep blue. Would Sying find it? Would you have to wait long for his reply? Both questions were answered, as you got a reply almost immediately. Your lover had sent you a little collection of pretty things, things he would call odds and ends but others would call treasure:

A pile of gold coins that still shimmered despite hundreds of years under the sea, a handful of pearls that shimmered beautifully, a coral colored rock with a heart carved into it, a pretty blue shell...and a fish.

It was such a little fish, swimming about in the water filled Tupperware happily, wearing golden-orange scales with a stripe of red. Smiling at the little sea creature, you quickly placed it in the fish tank that sat upon your dresser. At first, you thought it was only a cute gift, a little friend to keep you company while you were away. Placing your other gifts in a box beneath your bed, you found yourself drifting away into a daydream, dreaming about the day you would rush into the ocean and into Sying's arms.


Startled, you whirled around and looked at the fish in surprise. Had the little thing just spoken your name?

"Every day without you feels like it's forever. I'm dreaming of the day we're finally together..."

Oh...oh! Sying had showed you this before! It had just been a silly thing to him, the ability to charm fish to be able sing little messages and songs but right was perfect.

"But I know that our dreams will come true. So I will keep waiting for you. Waiting down here, below the deep blue sea. And I know that you are waiting for me."

You wrote him another letter at once, scribbling words of love and thanks for the gifts on sea green stationary.

And of course Sying replied quickly, sending you another collection of gifts in a Tupperware set. There were so many gifts! Tiny starfish in every color, luminescent jellyfish that swam slowly, treasures long lost in the deep sea now sitting in your bedroom. But your favorite gifts were always the fish. You looked forward to hearing their sweet songs, clinging onto every loving word. It wasn't long before you had a tank full of tiny, bright fish who all sang love songs for you. They brought you so much comfort on these lonely days.

But one day, you would release them back into the ocean. You would let them swim free once more, still singing their little songs as they dived through the wild waves. Though you would be sad to see them wouldn't miss the fish too terribly.

Because on that day, you would no longer need your little friends.

Sying would be with you once more, holding you in his arms as the waves lapped over the shore...his gentle voice would fill your heart,

"Waiting down here, below the deep blue sea. And I know that you are waiting for me."

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