Saved // Part Two.

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Warm, bright sunlight. It streamed down over you, warming your skin and waking you from a deep and heavy sleep. You felt sore all over, sore and tense and sand covered. As you struggled to sit up in the hot sand, your aching body reminded you of everything that you had just gone through.

The storm.

Being thrown from your boat.

The sea.

Sinking into the deep.

But where were you now? Looking around, you saw only warm, golden sand and a now gentle sea. Behind you were palm trees swaying softly in the sweet breeze and a thick, green forest that seemed to buzz with life. Was this an...island? How had you managed to get here? A sudden splash stole you attention as you looked back to the ocean, seeing something familiar.

A flash of silver!

A shark's tail!

Sharks were common in these seas, swift creatures swimming through the seas and taking lost sailors as their meal. You stood up on shaky legs, fear bubbling up in your belly as the creature swam even closer. The tail flashed in the sunlight, treading through the tropical waters slowly. You could see it rising from the water but what you unexpected to see did not come. The sharp teeth and big black eyes of a shark never came. Instead the form of a tall, Samoan man rose from the water. His upper half was muscular and tattooed, his long dark hair dripping with salty water and his black eyes fixed upon you. But his lower half was that of...of a shark.

A flash of silver!

A shark's tail!

He was a merman. His gaze was dark and serious as he approached you carefully, treading slowly through the cool sea until he came to rest in the golden sand.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a deep, warm voice.

For a second, you struggled to speak. As a sailor, you'd heard plenty of stories of the merfolk'd never really given them much thought. After all, they were only stories. But now, you realized, they were so much more then that. Forcing yourself to stutter out something (or anything really) you quickly said,

"I...yes. Yes, I'm okay."

He nodded, looking back out at the ocean before turning back to you.

"There's an old cottage that's not very far from here. You kind find all that you need on the island, food and clean water and fire wood. I'll bring you some fish tonight."

"Tonight?" You asked him.

"I'll be back."

If you wanted more answers then that, you weren't going to get them. The merman dove back into the sea, diving out of your sight with a flash of his silver tail. For a moment, you stood on the sand and looked out towards the sea. Why had he saved you? Why was he helping you still? You weren't sure...but you had no other choice. Off to find this cottage you went, the sea's sweet song rushing behind you as you walked.


It was in good shape, though old and in need of a good cleaning.

Half tucked into the shade of the trees, the small cottage was made of worn out wood with a little set of stony stairs leading to a little porch. There was a little sandy pathway leading to a small dock, a tiny, worn out rowboat still tied down and bobbing in the waves. The sight of the small boat had a bit of hope blooming in your heart but you set it aside for now.

Through the rickety door you went, a low creak resounding through the cottage. It was dusty and sandy and dark, streams of sunlight barely streaming through the shutters. Well, you thought, time to get to work.

As the day passed by, you swept and dusted and fixed everything you could. The previous owner had left behind tools and a sturdy broom, as well as some other things too. You used them to straighten up the cottage until it was clean, neat, and in better shape then it had been before. Now it was dark and late, the moon shining and the stars twinkling as you sat in front of the crackling fire. The work had been able to keep the questions from racing in your mind but now that things were quiet, everything came racing back.

Where were you?

Who had lived here before and where were they now?

And the merman...well, there were a million more questions regarding your new friend. Was he a friend?

Would he really return?

The answer came with another loud splash from outside. Stepping out of the cabin, you saw the merman rising from the blue sea, a large net slung over his shoulder as he hoisted himself up onto the deck. Carefully and slowly you approached him, watching as he set a fish filled net onto the deck. His dark eyes glanced at you for a second as he muttered something in another tongue.

"Couldn't find your boat," he said, "it was probably destroyed in the storm."

" was a good boat. Thank you for trying to find it for me. Thank for everything."

He shook his head, salty droplets dripping from his warm brown skin and thick curls. His silver tail flashed in the moonlight, smooth skin shining softly. He was, you realized, rather beautiful...

"It's nothing. Here's some fish."

Just as he was about to dive back into the sea, you quickly asked him,

"Wait! Can I at least know your name?"

The merman seemed...surprised. He stopped for a moment, looking back at you with his dark eyes and a serious expression. His eyes gazed into yours and it made your heart jump in your chest.


"I'm Y/N."

He nodded before diving back into the sea once again, vanishing with a splash and a flash of silver. Ripples ran through the water before it became calm...You waited on the deck, looking out at the starry sky and endless sea. It was strange to think of Ahomana somewhere down there, diving into the deep waters...

Would he return?

You hoped that he might. As you sat in the warm night, you hoped that you might see Ahomana again soon...

(Part three coming soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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