Chapter 24 - The Blessing

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That night, Cyrus joined Talos beneath his canopy. The dragon dozed lightly, jumping to consciousness when he felt Cyrus' touch against his hard skin. When he caught sight of the cause of his disturbance, however, Talos rested his head back down once more, letting out a small sigh.

They didn't exchange any words. Cyrus leaned against Talos' exposed stomach, clasping his fingers over his middle and closing his eyes. He listened to the dragon's slow breathing, allowing it to lull him towards a deep slumber. He lay still. Hazy and confusing dreams took him.

Then, his eyes opened. Low morning light filtered through the roof of the tall canopy, followed by gentle birdsong. The night had gone by swiftly, and Cyrus found he remembered none of what he had dreamt. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, brushing platinum hair from his forehead. Cyrus noticed how much it had grown since he had left his family. It was beginning to grow past his ears and slowly creep down his neck, just barely tickling the nape of his neck. Usually, his mother would cut away his white locks before they got in the way.

Cyrus felt the pain deep in his heart. He missed her dearly.

After quietly standing as to not disturb Talos, which failed in the process, as the dragon stirred awake as soon as he got to his feet, Cyrus stretched and found food waiting for him in a basket not too far off. Almasi had left breakfast for the both of them. Talos was left a rather large, roasted bird, and Cyrus, a golden loaf of bread and a handful of fresh berries.

The two of them ate quietly, still drowsy from rising so early in the morning. Talos chatted with him briefly, but the both of them found that silence suited them best at that moment. Neither was awake enough to begin the day.

Finally, after several hours of lazing around and idle conversations, Cyrus looked to the sun. It was noon.

"Time to see Neema." he announced, more to himself than to Talos. Beside him, the yellow dragon grunted in agreement and got to his feet, shaking the rest of his sleepiness from his joints.

"Lead the way." he grumbled, gaining some newfound energy in his eyes. Cyrus smiled and got to his feet, feeling a spark of excitement for what Neema was to show them.

They set off, Cyrus careful not to get lost and Talos keeping right on his tail. By now, faeries were about, stopping and staring in wonder as the white haired boy and his dragon walked by. Cyrus became more aware of himself than ever under their stares, but he knew they weren't gazing at him. He felt small compared to Talos.

Finally, after what felt like a several mile trek, they made it to the Queen's Hall. Before it stood Neema, her big hair tied back loosely and her lilac cloak draped over her shoulders. She perked up when she saw them.

"Hello!" she called. "Are the both of you ready? I have something special to show you."

Cyrus grinned.

"I take it it's a surprise and I shouldn't ask?"

Neema nodded and turned on her heel, walking off toward a dense part of woodland.

"Of course it's a surprise! There's no fun in knowing where you're going all the time."

Cyrus glanced back at Talos but the dragon merely shook his head, teasing him silently with his tree sap eyes. Cyrus rolled his eyes and followed after the faerie.

Neema led them into the dark forest, expertly walking over any stray sticks or stones that had found their way on her path. Cyrus, on the other hand, stumbled over fallen branches and dips in the ground. Talos struggled to avoid knocking over any young trees, maneuvering clumsily through the thick underbrush. Every once in awhile, the dragon heaved a great grunt of frustration. Cyrus only chuckled at his friend's irritation.

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