The Perfect Day

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the morning sun shined in through a small crack in the roof as a girl with long dirty golden hair slowly slide the thin faded blanket off her face smiling at the soft glow that hit her fair skin. She sits up yawning stretching out her tired limbs her one lovely grey blue eye twinkled in the sun rays but one crimsons red eye stayed away from the harsh rays of light. The girl get off her slightly uncomfortable bed going to the closet putting on a long thin grey coat with long black baggy pants and a faded out black shirt underneath the coat. She goes to the mirror located near her bedroom door tieing her hair back into a somewhat tight high ponytail. A bright smile on her features while the sound of two siblings arguing below her feet making her giggle softly.
"There they go again and this early in the morning" she said a smile still on her lips
Opening the hatch to her room carefully climbing down the creaky steps till a flat surface was now under her feet. She walks down the dull little hallway of her home till she reach the old creaky staircase a big smile spread as she slide down them giggling at the feeling of air rush past her crushing into the the door she burst into a fit of giggles and laughing as her sibling's continue to bricker. The girl gets up from the ground going to the kitchen where she sees her younger sibling a boy with dirty brown hair that needed to be cut badly charming features that all the girls in the village want to be with him.his emerald eyes sparkle in the suns light wearing a long green and black coat that was pasted on to him by their mother for being the powerful wizard out of all three of them. He was running away with a bokely old spell book in his arms from her older sister her crimson red curls bouncing. She rans after him her pale features in fury of something he did her purple and blue long coat flows behind her.
"Morning Psy" the boy said winking at her
The girl named Psy chuckles nodding in response sitting at the table that her siblings are running around making herself a bowl of fruit and a glass of milk
"James give me the damn spell book!" Psy sister yelled at brother named James
"No way it's my day Lotus" James said smugly smirking at her
"Lies yesterday was your day!" lotus yell at him
Psy said nothing just eating her food watching the two fight over the book she had her time with the book but it was sometimes forced because she's not even allowed to use it but under her families noses she uses it to practice her magic. Psy quietly chuckles as lotus was above james trying to keep the book away from her till a woman in a long coat of black and gray she gorgeous features furrowed into an angered and tired one. Her raven hair messy and unbrushed from just woken up the two sibling's moved away from each other quickly avoiding their mothers glance. Psy looks at their mother smiling at her
"Morning mother" Psy said sweetly
"Morning Psy... And you two your not getting the book for waking me up this early" their mother said grumpily
"Aaww but mom it was Lotus fault" James whined
"MY FAULT YOU DIDN'T WANT-!" Lotus began to yell at James
"ENOUGH! What am I going to do with you two today is the day the elders tell us what will happen in the future along with who going to wear the coat James is wearing" their mother said Psy perked up at the sound of the elders
"Mother may I join you three to this meeting please I been practicing" Psy said hopefully with a bright smile
"No way Psy remember last time" Lotus crosses her arms looking at her young sister as the sound of a ugly meow was hear from the basement door a nervous chuckle came out of Psy
"Its not my fault that the cat got in the way when I was casting that spell plus if I saw which one it was on I won't have used that spell" Psy said in defense their mother pinched the bridge of her nose sighing
"I'm sorry baby girl but its a no" she said sadly
"But mom I have gotten better watch" Psy said happy moving her hand in a downward movement making a wand appear in her hand she points happily at it her multi color eyes showing hope
"No Psy you have to go to the village today to send the younth potion to Maggie and along with other things" their mother said as James chuckles. Psy sighs slumping against her chair putting down her wand she wanted to prove she can at least be there to hear what the elders say but every time its a no. Her mother saw this knowing all to well sighing she looked at the spell book in her arms smiling sweetly
"If you finish your trips in the village I'll let you use the spell book with me watching you" she said looking at her daughter
"Really mother you mean it?!" Psy said perking up smiling big
"Yes and remember you have to do your good deed of the day" her mother said sternly
"Oh yes I well mother I will got everything done today" Psy says happily
"AAAAAwwwww what mom you can't be serious she will ruin something else" James whined
"Yeah she going turn something else into a monster" lotus said crossing her arms Psy only look down ashamed
"Unlike you two who fight over this book unlike Psy here" their mother said angrily at the two sibling who belittling the other one
Psy smiled at her mother help she quickly finished her breakfast and drink going to her satchel packing the things she needs to bring slinging the bag over her shoulder kissing her mothers cheek hugging her siblings before running to the door waving goodbye to her family rushing out the door. Psy run as fast as she could not caring that her shoes will get ruin her long hair flowing behind her gracefully eyes twinkling in the suns light and hope. Psy feeling today is going to be a perfect day but it will be the worse day in her life.

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