The Meeting

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Lotus looked at their mother crossing her arms not saying a word but showing she's not happy that decision her mother made it was wrong to let Psy use the spell book lotus doesn't hate her young sister but the monster inside her sister she did. James sighed goes down to the meeting chambers with lotus following close behind him to talk with the elders he didn't know much of his sister just knows that his mother saved her from a monster that had their hold on her but not all of the monster left that's why she has one red eye he didn't mind James thought it was cool it just scares him sometime. The last person in the meeting chamber was their mother hair brushed as some of her curls showed she stand between her young son and eldest daughter as four stones glowed as old looking people in different color coats appears on the stones
"Good morning elders" their mother said calmly
"Good morning Toivoa" one of the male elders said in a gravely voice bring shivers down james spine
"So elders we ask you why did you want to talk to us so soon" lotus asked knowing the real reason they needed to talk with them but their mother never told that to Psy
"Today marks the day that a savior will choose which path they lead to make the world peaceful or chaos" one of the female elders said with glee
"What" Toivoa said in pure shocked and fear thinking James or Lotus will have to fight
"Whatever me or James pick it will but the right choice elders" lotus says in pride James nod agreeing with his eldest sister
"It is neither of you two it is the one in the village" another female elder said softly as a image in smoke was showed to the three wizard of Psy walking through the village a bright smile on her lips
"PSY IS THE SAVIOR?!" Toivoa yells in fear that she young daughter will be doing this on her own
"Yes she will be the savior her acts today will show which path she'll take" a male elder said saw two visions beside the one of psy in the village
"One where chaos and destruction rules" The male elder said darkly pointing at the left of where Psy smirking devilishly her blue eye replaced with a ugly red eye with fire and terror behind her
"Or peace and harmony" A female elder speak softly with hope in her voice as she pointed to the right visions of Psy smiling happily with a group of people behind her red and blue eyes showing joy and peace
Toivoa looks at the visions of her daughter one of Psy as a monster that she tried so hard not to be and the other of Psy as a hero of the land. Toivoa look at her young daughter in the village smiling happily not knowing she is being tested for destiny of the world.Psy looks at the shops as most people give her dirty looks and whispers about her but she could care less of what they think of her it was a perfect day in her eyes. Soon Psy heard yelling and shouting as a body rammed into her
"WOAH!" Psy yelled in shocked as she and the other person fell to the ground
"I-I'm so s-sorry"the person stuttered out pulling their white cloak hood close to their face
"It's ok are you alright?" Psy asked with a gently tone the person nodded
Psy stands up helping the stranger up to their feet she can only see that it was a girl that ran into her psy smiles sweetly at the girl seeing she had some fruit in the girls arms when psy felt a heavily tap of her shoulder making her turn around now looking at a very angry shopkeeper
"Good morning Eric" Psy said with a smile
"She stole from me!" the shopkeeper ignored Psy pointing at the girl behind her
"She did I don't think she did" Psy says in a sly tone taking out a pouch from her bag
"SHE DID WHAT AR-" before the shopkeeper can finish Psy blew some dust in his face
"Oh shopkeeper I forgot to pay for my dear friend here no hard feelings" Psy handed him a good amount of coins pating his hand smiling
"W-What uuuhhh yeah whatever Psycho" the shopkeeper chuckles darkly at the last thing he said walking away
"The names Psy" she growls low before she looks at the girl who was in shocked
"H-How did you do that?" the girl asked
"Oh that it's forget me dust makes anyone forget five minutes or ten minutes of their lives" Psy says happily
"But why use it for me?" The girl asked
"Because it looked like you really needed the help" psy says softly with a smile
"Thank you oh I never told my name its Bella your name is Psycho right?" The girl named Bella asked
"No its Psy that's what most people call me for a awful reason" she said in a annoyed tone
"I-I see I'm sorry if I offended you" Bella says gently looking down
"It's quite alright Bella I'm use to it" Psy smiles sweetly
Bella smiles back but it soons fades as she realize she can't repay her newfound friend for the rescue all she has is fruit that Psy paid for. Bella shoved one of the fruits in her arms into a very confused Psy hand
"What's this for?" She asked with a confused smile
"My repayment along with whatever you want" bella says in fear
"Oh you didn't have to repay me Bella I did to help nothing more" Psy says with a bright smile
"I just feel bad that I don't have anything to show for it" Bella said sadly Psy looked at the fruit in her hand before looking at her friend she just helped a friendly smile as thought was popped into her head
"Well then I accept your repayment but you have to stay with me for a whole day have it fully repaid" Psy in a stern voice said but still showed her smile
Bella looked at Psy with a big smile on her face. The two girls began to walk side by side through the village talking to each other till they reach the outskirts of the village to a little shop with weird knickknacks and jars fulled with odd liquid Bella looked at her friend alittle scared and confused as Psy was digging around her satchel looking for something she groans abit in frustration until she pulled out a potion bottle of bright yellow liquid shaking it abit smiling happily putting it on the counter of shop Bella was about to question her friend when a elderly woman walked in front of them her wrinkled features formed into a soft and welcoming smile her white flowery dress hang to her ankles her grey long hair was down to shape her face well
"Is that Psy?" The lady says weakly and gently
"Its is Maggie I got your potion I made it myself" Psy says happily
"Oohh I see but is it safe to drink dear no offence" Maggie says taking the bottle shakily
"None taken Maggie it is safe to drink I tested it on a lot of plant's till it was perfect" Psy smiled
Maggie nodded taking the lid off the bottle drinking it quickly. Bella looked at Maggie then to Psy back to Maggie Bella eyes widened as the elderly woman features change to a young beauty her grey hair turning golden blond hair her wrinkles disappear showing off her ocean blue eyes she smiled brightly
"Oh thank you Psy and I can see you brought a guest" Maggie says brightly and lively
"Yes I did this is Bella" Psy said sweetly looking at her friend next to her
"H-Hello miss" Bella says shyly
"Hello Bella nice to meet you" Maggie smiles
"Nice to meet you too" Bella smiles back
"So Maggie are you going to move your shop to the market?" Psy asked curious
"No not yet dear what about you is your mother going to move into the village so you don't have to walk so far" Maggie says playfully
"Oh I don't know she's been thinking about it but I don't think she is" Psy says abit sad
"I see well I need to get back to work remember Psy your anyways welcome at my shop" Maggie says sweetly making Psy smile abit
"I know me and Bella have to head back into the village anyways bye Maggie" Psy says happily waving goodbye to her friend that was in the little store
The two girls headed back into the village as Bella still was curious why did the elderly woman change into a young woman she looked at her friend who was humming a soft song when Psy looked at her with a bright smile
"Uumm Psy may I ask you a question" Bella asked softly
"Of course you can Bella" Psy says kindly
"What did you give that lady?" Bella asked
"Oh that it was a youth potion she was a one of those magical beings that grow old quickly that helps them age right" Psy smiled happily as for bella she frowns
"But that defies the laws of life Psy" Bella says alittle upset
"but some don't want to die yet Bella you must understand they want to have love have children make mistakes not grow up quickly and die" Psy says softly as Bella felt sympathy for them and felt bad for what she said
"I-I do and I'm sorry for what I said" Bella said apologetic
Psy smiles small saying gently "Its ok I understand not a lot of people don't like it but they so accept it"
Bella smiles back. Soon both girl entered the village once again the whole day Bella stuck by Psy's side seeing all the people she had to visit and see some like Maggie were very nice and sweet to Psy but some weren't kicking them out as soon as she give them what they needed. Psy didn't care even after when Bella pointed it out she really didn't mind today in Psy's eyes it was a perfect day. suddenly the towers bell that is in the center of the village rang throughout the village Bella looked around as the villagers began to go to the center of the town where a group of people that is feared by everyone as for the girls they had no choice but to go there usually Psy is already home with her family but Bella was so full of curiosity she had to see why everyone is there when she did Bella regretted it.

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