Chapter 30

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On the rare occasion that I'm the only employee working, everything goes smoothly. Since Monday's are typically slow days, the owner doesn't think we need that many people working. I think he just doesnt want to pay more.

I tap out Keith, who leaves with his arms full of chip bags, and start on the list of "chores" that needed to be done today.

Since most kids had to go home first to do homework, not many people were here. The few teenagers here were on dates playing Air Hockey or just hanging out yelling at each other that they could do so much better on Centipede than their friend could.

While there were barely any customers, I take the keys and start emptying out the change containers. I empty out the bins of coins into thick bags with our company logo on it and take it to the safe in the manager's office.

As I'm putting the keys back, I watch as Dustin does that cute little purr thing he does to some girl. I feel really bad as she gives him a weird look and walks away from him.

Looking around, Mike was the only one here with him and he was playing Space Invaders. Dustin looks up as I walk up to him.

"Hey birdie, how's- how's it going?" He tries to play cool by leaning his elbow against a game, but he accidentally hits it. "Ow!"

I stifle a laugh not wanting to embarrass him even more."You okay?"

"Who? Me? Totally, I did that on purpose. Wanted to see how much pain I could take." He shrugs off, rubbing his elbow a little bit. "Girls love tough guys."

I laugh a little. "They also love funny guys. Remember, not every girl is the same. So instead of trying to pretend to be someone you're not, be yourself. I've gotten to know the real you and I personally think that's the best you."

"Really?" He beams.

"Really. And the girl who's meant for you is going to love you for you, even your purr. It's going to drive her crazy."

"Thanks." He smiles and goes to watch Mike looking a lot happier.

The rest of the shift goes smoothly, Lucas shows up and soon after Max gets dropped off and they join their small group.

After I give everyone the 10 minute mark before we close, most of them start to leave. The boys and Max, being them, stay until the very last minute.

I let them finish their game and start to vacuum and wipe down the games. They're still playing after I finish all the chores so I shoo them out while they protest they needed another round to beat Max's highscore.

"You guys can come back tomorrow, but I gotta close right now." I tell them, closing and locking the doors.

I can hear the boys all groan and begrudgingly get on their bikes and ride away. Max however stands in front of the door watching me.

Figuring I was taking her home, I let her back in.


"No problem. I told you parents I could take you home when I worked."

She sits on the counter and waits while I do some last minute things like turning off the power to the machines and locking the manager's office.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick and then we can go, okay?" I tell her and go to the employees only bathroom.

Washing my hands after I finish my business, I exit the bathroom and noticed the lack of red hair.

Where did Max go?

"Max?" I call out and start walking around the arcade.

I circle around the small building and walk past the doors and stop. They were unlocked.

Did he come and take her? I didn't see a new note anywhere, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have taken her.

Starting to breathe a little faster I rush out the door and almost hit Max in the butt.

"Hey!" She shouts almost falling over and scaring a cat away.

The brown tabby cat books it across the street and I look back at Max.

"I... sorry. I didn't see you so I thought something bad happened." I admit, helping her up.

She takes my hand. "The stupid cat was meowing and it was getting annoying so I was gonna try to scare it away, but it wouldn't leave."

"But weren't you petting it?" I ask confused.

"Wha-? No-no... I was just..." Max tries to defend her showing soft side.

I giggle. "It's okay to like animals, Max, I'm not judging you."

She stays silent and she walks to my car while I lock the front doors. As we get in she decides to speak.

"Can I, uh, ask you a... a kinda personal question?" She hesitatingly asks.

"Depends on the question I suppose."

"Are-are periods really that terrible?"

I burst out laughing.

Looking over I see her turn bright red and stare at her lap.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I thought you were gonna ask about Billy or something. Well I'm kinda glad it wasn't, but why periods? Why is that even on your mind?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I just thought it'd be easier to talk to you about it than my mom."

"Why's that?" I look over at her before looking back at the road.

"I don't know... mom kind of like makes it out to be some sort of honor because it means you're a woman, but from what they teach you in science and what I hear from other girls, it's seems horrible.

Also, mom kinda told me what happened to you at school... sorry."

I sigh. "I don't think you'll have my problem when you get into high school. You're a strong girl already and I can't even imagine what you'd be like as a woman.

Most girls usually stick together when others are on periods cause they know what it's like to be teased by the guys and how sucky it is. Guys are always going to make fun of girls for it, be grossed out by the mention of it, and believe all this nonsense about it that's not true.

As long as you have your fiery attitude and some pads on you, you'll be just fine."

She doesn't say anything for a while so I look over at her and she's just staring at me.

"What?" I laugh, "did I say something weird?"

She snaps out of it and leans back into her seat. "No. You're just... what I've always pictured an older sister to be. Of course I get stuck with a douche brother." She mumbles the last part.

"I know he gives you a hard time, hopefully since the fight he'll lay off a bit, but he can be a good guy when he wants to be. He actually stood up for me today and even fought one of his friends for me."

She fake gags. "Gross. It's only because he's practically falling for you."

I give her a quick side glance. "What do you mean?"

"Ever since you've been hanging out with him, he comes home and is actually nice. For a short while, but it's noticeable. He also keeps using way too much cologne and it's burning my sense of smell."  She complains.

I didn't know how to respond to her comment so I said the first thing that popped into my head, "...Apologies to your nose."

She chuckles and we enjoy the last few minutes of the car ride in silence.

I turn onto her street and pull up in front of the house. You wouldn't think anyone was home unless you looked very carefully on the side of the house where a window was struggling to shine light through the dark curtains.

"Thanks, night." Max mumbles while getting out and slamming the door.

I wait until Max closes the door behind her to start driving away. While pulling away, a light turning on catches my attention and I catch a quick glimpse of Billy through the living room window looking back at me.

The sad, broken look on his face keeps me up most of the night.

Averted Vision (A Billy Hargrove fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now