Chapter 32

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Steve burst through the doors yelling my name and sprinting towards me. He skids to a stop next to me and helps me up.

"Billy told me, let's get you home."

As we get outside, Billy's waiting by the doors.

"Think you can make it to your car?" Steve gently asks.

I look between him and Billy and mumble a "yeah", letting go of his hand and slowly making it to my car.

As I'm sitting inside, I watch the two boys interact. Billy hands him the note, but then gets a little mad when Steve points at me.

He's probably upset he has to help me. Again. Watching Billy getting more upset starts to sting a little. He doesn't have to help me, it's not like I wanted him to be there when I found the note or wanted him to know everything about it.

The more I think about it the more irritated I become. Shoving my keys into the ignition, I drive away while
two boys chase my car.

Next thing I know I'm parked in my drive way. How do I not remember getting here? Hopefully I didn't kill anyone on the way.

Opening the car door lets in a little breeze and I sit there, inhaling the smell of leaves and the cold autumn air.

Deciding I want to stay outside, I quickly run inside and grab a thick sweater from my closet and sit in the backyard, enjoying the nature.

It feels like seconds until I hear the rumbling of a familiar car.

Why is he even here?

I ignore Billy banging on the front door, calling out to me and continue to enjoy sitting on the grass.


I internally groan as Billy walks around the house.

"I know you heard me so what the fuck? Why didn't you answer?"

"Didn't want to." I mumble and hug my knees to my chest.

"What's your problem?" He huffs.

"Hmm... let me think, a psychopath is practically hunting me like some sick game and you keep following me when I told you I don't need your help." I snap. 

"It looked like you needed help from Tommy and Carol yesterday and when you found that note, so sorry doll, but it looks like you're getting help whether you fucking want it or not." He argues and plops down to the right of me.

Is he saying he wants to help me or does he just feel obligated cause he knows my secret?

"What do you want Billy?"


Billy PoV

"What do you want Billy?" She asks, burning a hole in side of my face with her intense gaze.

What do I want? I want you safe and happy. Happy with me.

I don't meet her eyes and just pull out grass to keep myself occupied.

"I don't know, I'm just trying to help."

"I told you-"

I throw my hands up in the air, flinging grass everywhere. "I fucking know what you told me!"

I feel instant regret after I yell at her. How can I expect her to even hang around me if I'm so angry all the time.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Today or the other day when I said all those fucked up things about your dad." I sincerely apologize, looking down at my hands.

"I understand why you were scared to kiss me, hell, I'd be scared too. I'm a fucking asshole while you're this sweet person that I'm surprised has given me so many chances in just being your friend that I don't know how to comprehend it.

"I've never had someone so kind to me after all the messed up things I've done to them."

Her cold finger tips wiping away a tear makes me jump and look at her. We say nothing as she holds my hand and continues to stare off into space.


"Can we just enjoy the silence for a little longer?" She quietly asks, looking over at me.

I took that moment to just study her. Her natural brown hair was starting to show through her roots more as each week passed and I find myself wondering what she would look like without the green.

You'd think after all the time I've spent staring at her during class or when I was close to her I would've noticed the freckle in her Cupid's bow.

And my god her eyes. Every love song you hear on the radio is about ocean blue eyes and drowning in them when they should be about the mixture of her brown and green eyes.

They were like the way the sun would shine through the forest, making everything glow. Just watching her sit in the wind surrounded by falling leaves made her look breathtaking.

I sound like a romance novel my mom used to read, but damn. She puts all the slutty model posters in my room to shame.

It was like for once I was actually getting to know a girl because I genuinely wanted to and not pretending to just get into her pants.


I get out of my thoughts and hmm in response.

"I asked what you were thinking about? You seemed very deep in thought."

Shrugging, I absentmindedly start to rub circles on her hand. "Just why no one ever asks you out."

She gives me a blank look and yanks her hand away. "Thanks."

"No! That's not what I meant." I say after realizing how dicky I sounded. "I meant, like, you're so unique and sweet and beautiful," I mumble the last part, "that I don't understand why guys aren't lining up to ask you out."

A small smile creeps onto her face.

"You thought I was a freak and as you said before people think I'm a lesbian, so why would any guy like me?" She shoots back at me.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly laugh, "sorry about calling you those things. I was trying my asshole charm that usually gets girls falling for me, but it didn't work with you."

Robin lays down in the grass and closes her eyes. "Nope, just ticked me off. And just so you know, your actual charm is a lot more attractive than your fake bad boy one"

A blush warms up my face. "Sorry."

"It's whatever. It's in the past and we're somewhat friends now."

Her statement catches me off guard. "We're friends?" I ask, testing the word in my mouth.

Robin pulls the sleeves of her sweater over her hands as a harsh wind blows by.

"If you don't want to be friends then that's okay, but that's up to you." She says it so casually like we were talking about the weather.

My heart starts to beat a little faster as I think about us being more than friends.

"Yeah I'd like that."

Averted Vision (A Billy Hargrove fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now