Speech Sample

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Hi everyone, I am Ryu, I am 15 year old student studying in KB and in this video, i am going to give a speech about trash and plastic bottles.

Trash, one of the most common words of the english language in which linguaphile people like me called it a cautious words to say or even to negotiate about. It is allying to what James Newson proposes about " Garbage bags is full of trash talk".

Even people alike me feels dissident when talking about trash. Trash is something in which an object's, especially if they are plastics, have come to a misuse, people stops using it and put them in the wrong place .

There are 2 sides of everything, the good side and of course, the bad side. However, when i stated about the struggle of placing the trash, i am referring to the environment, because almost every part of the world places trash in the wrong side of the topic.

We all heard the term "recycling", the process in which an object including plastics has come to a misuse or in other cases retired from its function, becomes a commodity of inventing a new function or object to be able to use. Now the problem we are facing is related to people who knows what is right but doing the wrong thing.

Face it, in our youth in such a yore time, we are taught and mentored by our teacher which they have always told "pick it up and throw it to the can". We heard that many times, but somehow people around the world never be aware about it and ignore all those advices or forewarning, his is actually an example of people having ears in the first place but somehow ignores it and uses the ear as a display. Like renting a Lamborghini just to impersonate yourself as a rich person.

However Plastics are dangerous and somehow a threat after the use in the end. Like the problems in Jakarta nowadays, Flooding everywhere,and one of the threatening reason is the plastic bottles.

First of all, we should not blame what is around indonesia and judge it about its dirtiness at the beginning, and second of all, People should have a lot of public awareness. It may seem easy doing it in the beginning but in the end it is hard.

One of the ways To increase this awareness is have a habit of throwing the trash to the right and beneficial place, another one is a valuable time, which means we should put more seminars or activities or to make it exceedingly appropriate, is family, children follows the family, the family does this the children could follow as well, so when handling a family, don't just give quality time doing the lazy activities but give some other beneficial time like giving life lessons especially about trash.

Plastics can come from any form and matter, but that doesn't mean we should make it a threat. Because plastics has already made a beneficial life for the world. Beneficial like making life easy and nonchalant and more.

But we all know what must be right should be done more often, people should stop acting like the bad side and start being more responsible by joining the good side. How we say, it is simple, throw it to the can, make it a habit is what is hard nowadays which are caused by laziness and careless cognizance.

I can conclude that whatever the reason littering is, the people in our society should make a habit of the positive side and throw the unused thing especially plastics to where it needs to be, it is simple, just people never realised the phrase nowadays.

That is all the speech for today, i hope you are inspired of every words i am saying and please take every lesson and advice i gave to every one of you.

Thank you for listening to my speech

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