1.The School

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It's been about 2 days now after the dead begun walking, I remember the day clearly. I was back at home, alone. My parents were out at work as usual yet they never arrived home, they weren't answering any calls. In fact, nobody was answering any calls including the emergency services.

I can't really remember too much about anything that had happened but I do remember a knock at the door, when I went to look through the spy-hole in the door I could see the figure of someone, when I opened the door I was attacked by someone who was dead!

I remember having to kill them, as much as I didn't want to I had no choice, I've seen how this works on tv, the dead start walking and killing and you mustn't get bitten.

Anyway, I'm Bailey. Im 15 years old. As of right now I am walking the streets trying to find other people that may be alive, I didn't really have many friends and them that I had are already dead or live way to far away from here.

In my hands I carry a knife with me, clean and sharp. A backpack on my back carrying extra essentials I may be needing to survive but they won't last forever...

I only left my house about an hour ago or so, I really didn't want to leave the house behind but I couldn't stay cooped up in there, I did take my family photo with me in my backpack so I'll never forget my parents.

I do know that there is a near by school around here, I never attended it or anything but there could still be survivors maybe my age around in there.

At the entrance at the school I could see some people walking about but on closer inspection they were already dead. But there are some gates further up that are all barricaded off, and there are only two or so walkers (that's what I'm going to call them), I'll be able to take them on.

I begin to walk up the driveway of the school. I pass by one of the walkers, as I did they began to follow me up the drive. I hated to kill them as if they were the people they used to be. I don't really know myself I guess.

Up at the top of the drive was the gate that was all boarded up with wood and other pieces of stuff, this means that people did try to survive in here and through the gaps I couldn't really see anyone or anything in the school grounds.

The entrance, next to the gates, was also blocked off. There wasn't really a way into this place unless I break in or try climb over the gates. One of the walkers that were near by began to get really close. I decided to quickly climb over the gate and onto the other side.

I almost felt like a ninja, breaking into some place but this was different, way different. When I climbed over it I dropped onto the other side into the school grounds, it was deathly silent in this side but from the other side I could hear moaning coming from the walker.

I quickly raised up from the ground and I could hear some running coming in my direction and from what I know, walkers aren't able to run. I quickly turned round to see what or who it was.

It was actually two people. Both a boy and girl who were dressed in school uniforms so I'm guessing they both attended this school. The boy held out his hand to help me up, his eyes looking away as he did so.

He seemed around my age as the girl may have been a little younger. His hair was a silky brown, his eyes were a pale blue, almost grey. Her hair was also brown but more light, her eyes also hazel.

I now realised I had been staring at these two people for an extended amount of time now, the boy seemed to now be looking at me. I grabbed the boys hand and he pulled me up. His hand felt smooth and warm, this actually felt good. I mean to see other people of course!

"Hey" the boy spoke with a soft and caring voice as he pulled me up from the ground "The names Bobby, this school is where we have stayed since everything broke out..." he looks down at the ground and steps back a little, possibly he's a little shy or embarrassed?

The Walking Dead: School LifeWhere stories live. Discover now