2.The Scream

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Still following Bobby, Dazzle and Darcey with knife in hand. Running almost as fast as our legs could carry us. I've been pretty good using my knife from home but this knife is a lot more useful for this sort of thing.

We ran on the opposite side of the canteen and towards a couple of doors that have been barricaded shut with a presumably empty cupboard that looked like it should belong in a science room.

Bobby grabbed hold of the top side of the cupboard as dazzle grabbed hold of the side to help him hold it up, almost as if they have practiced this before if not done this before.

They then lifted up the cupboard, leaving the doors free to be opened. Bobby stepped forward opening the door and taking lead once again.

We begin to run around in corridors. Bobby however, unlike the rest of us, seemed to know where we were all going. He seems to be the leader of this little group if you could call it that.

As we were running Bobby stopped which caused everyone else to stop too. He didn't say a word along with everyone else. Everyone else began walking around Bobby to see what he had seen. I did the same.

There was a girl laid in a pile of her own blood, covered in bite marks and presumably dead. She had the same uniform as Bobby and Darcey so they might be in the same year group as them.

The girl had no walkers around her but had clearly recently been attacked by some telling by the multiple bite marks in different places of her body. Just looking at it made me sick.

Bobby began to approach the corpse on the floor. Everyone still stands in place. "Joanne..." he says to himself quietly... He obviously knew this person.

"I'm sorry to see you like this bu-" before Bobby could finish his sentence Joanne began to move, She had now became a walker.

She slowly got up from the floor, her face as pale as clay and dripping all over in her own blood. "BUT I HAVE TO DO THIS" Bobby then shouted in anger and upset and stabbed her clean in the head, leaving her dead.

Dazzle began to walk up to Bobby who was now also covered in the blood of Joanne whilst standing over her corpse. "It's okay Bobby, she's in a better place now..." Dazzle says quietly as she hugs him better.

Before we knew it, three walkers had gathered their way around us. "Shit, they're here" Darcey said seriously but with a worried look on her face. I then notice that more were coming from the other side of the corridor.

"Go up the stairs!" Bobby shouts heroically to us all as he began running up them himself whilst all of us followed him up there.

Dazzle stopped right in front of me, almost leading me to bump into her. "Bobby...you know I can't..." she looked over to one of the classrooms along in the corridor...

"The science room?" Darcey asked confused on what Dazzle was referring to. Bobby however, seemed to somewhat understand what she was referring to. "Dazzle, it's either this or die by those...things!" He tried to get a point across but it was quite rude in its ways.

Bobby grabbed hold of Dazzle's hand and began running down the corridor, me and Darcey followed on behind them. I hope Dazzle is okay, she actually seems like a considerate person.

As we run past one of the science rooms I notice that there is a pile of blood leaking out from the door which was hanging slightly open. It was also to dark to see through the window and at this speed I would never be able to get a clear look.

We were finally free from the science area but as we ran out I heard a faint sniffle from a door to the left as Bobby and Dazzle ran down the stairs to the left.

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