4.The Rooftop

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My eyes begin to flutter as light escapes from behind the school and through the windows.

I open my eyes but only slightly so that the light doesn't hurt my eyes too much, today the sun is beaming outside with hot energy already.

I look besides me and there sits Bobby with his eyes closed, clearly fast asleep, he looks so peaceful and I won't disturb him as he does deserve a good sleep after all the hard work he's putting into everyone and everything else.

I slowly get up, whilst trying not to make too much noise, and put the chair aside. Just a little further away from me and Bobby was Alissa and Riley who were both asleep on chairs, they claimed not to have been tired however they must've fallen asleep.

I notice, as I turn around, Dazzle and Darcey are sat up whispering to Mrs.Sapey, Dylan, Bethany and Caitlin. However, Ripley, Katelan and Oliver were no where to be seen...

Dazzle notices me and looks up at me as everyone else then tracks this way. For a slight second I do feel a sudden awkwardness but I just brush it off and go walk over and sit next to Darcey, who is sat besides Dazzle.

"Morning" Darcey says politely as she looks over at me and gives a sweet smile. "Good morning, hope you slept well" I say back trying to keep the morning energy happy and alive.

Dazzle then looks down and then back up towards me. "Oliver, Ripley and Katelan still aren't back" She says as she totally destructs the positive energy me and Darcey had just created.

"I told them to stay here until you guys were back, what were they thinking!" Mrs.Sapey says with her head in her hands, she is obviously disappointed with herself and Oliver, Ripley and Katelan.

"It's not your fault" Caitlin says trying to comfort Mrs.Sapey as she pats her on the back. "She's right" Bethany gives a faint smile to Mrs.Sapey and Caitlin.

"You did the right thing, you helped me. They just don't know what they're doing" Dylan says proudly as he is better now with a bandaged up finger. It must've been pretty sure severe as there is quite a lot of blood on the floor.

"Do you know any clues at all of where they might have gone, did they say anything like where they'd like to go?" I say as my mind got me thinking, we had to think outside the box. I look over at everyone who are deep down in their thoughts.

Mrs.Sapey looked up with a bit of a glimmer in her eyes along with quite a surprised look. "They might have gone... to the roof top"

Everyone began to look around but mainly at each other "Why to the rooftop! They know what happened up there!" Dazzle replies with a sharp snap.

Mrs.Sapey looked up at Dazzle "They did mention it might be more safer and it was our fault for leaving it." Mrs.Sapey answered Dazzle kind of sadly sounding. Maybe Dazzle is being a little harsh...

"So that makes them want to run off! After what happened up there!" Dazzle almost shouts with a stern look with locked eye contact with Mrs.Sapey. By this moment I see that both Riley and Alissa were in fact awake and watching what was going on.

"We all need to go up there" Caitlin breaks into the convocation hoping to get somewhere over than this and to relieve the anger in the air.

"We do, right now. We're all going, as much as we would hate too!" Dazzle says trying to be heroic and Bobby looks over at me and nods, he hastily runs over to his katana which is propped against a desk near the window.

To be honest I do wonder how Bobby managed to get a katana in a school environment but I have no idea or clue so far. I also wonder what are they talking about something happening on the roof?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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