Chapter 18

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Just then, Griffin and Lillian heard a russle in the bushes. Something was following them! It could be Zok and the rouges? Then, it could be just a forest animal like a rabbit or deer? He let his smelling senses check to be sure. The scent was a familiar smell...
      "Lillian? We have to get out of the forest," Griffin calmly explained, "and back onto the plains."
      "Why? Is it-"
      She did not have to ask further because lunging out of the forest was the werewolf! Everyone was shocked and backed up. The werewolf had leaped in their pathway. They ran in different directions which the werewolf chased after each of them.
      "Hey, faul breath," yelling Griffin says. He throws a rock at the werewolf which he looks at him. "Leave my friends and girlfriend alone!"
      The werewolf stared at him which he could see the challenge look on his face. He wanted him to turn into a werewolf and fight him. Griffin controllably shape shifted into a werewolf!
      "He did it," Lillian says quietly with astonishment.
      He snarled with a rumble of a growl at the werewolf. They faced down then attacked each other!
     "You go, Griffin!" Scarlet cheered.
     "You can take him on!" ecouraged Klydd. 
      The werewolves fought for a while then Griffin grabbed him and tossed the werewolf. The werewolf went crashing against a tree and landed with a hard thump! The werewolf picked himself off the ground groggily. He then striked which they fought some more.
      The werewolf swung a hand at Griffin but he avoided the strike. He then swung his hand which his nails grazed the werewolf's face! The werewolf roared in pain as his nails clawed his face.
      He knocked down the black werewolf. Griffin fell on his back which he saw the werewolf lunging at him. He thought quickly and tossed the werewolf back with his feet and hands pushing him. The werewolf went flying backward and slammed against a tree trunk again!
      The black wolf got to his feet which the other werewolf groggily got up as well. Griffin slammed his hands on the ground and roared half-growled! The werewolf submitted his head down then ran off into the dark parts of the forest.
      He watched the werewolf disappear then transformed back into himself. Griffin turned facing his friends. They were impressed, especially Lillian.
      "You did it, Griffin," she replied smiling. "You controlled when your inner wolf comes out without on your own."
      He smiled happily that he finally mastered how to control his inner wolf. And Griffin did it without a matra or thinking of something that calms him.

Back at the rock cave, Blade put out the fire as to not spread. Zok was furious that once again his plan had failed. Griffin and Lillian had escaped! The Direwolf tried to sniff their scent out but couldn't due to the fire smoldering smell.
      "The Direwolf can't find where thoes two went," he informed the rouge leader.
      Zok walked inside the rock cave having to duck to not hit his head. He searched around to see if he could find anything for the Direwolf to smell. The rouge leader could not find anything. Zok remerged from the rock cave disappointed. Blade could see he was not happy.
      "What are we going to do?" asked the Orc.
      The rouge leader was trying to think what to do. Then Zok remembered something which he walked past Blade. He watched him confused as he strold off.
      The rouge leader walked back to the entryway to the stream. Zok carefully walked through the snars. He came to a snar and tore it up by the chain with his hand. The rouge leader smelled the snar.
      "Ah-ha!" Zok says with a half-grin.
      After a few mintues, he came back to the rock cave. Blade saw that the rouge leader had a snar's chain clenched in his hand. The Orc was dumbfounded of why Zok had a snar in his hand.
      "This is the snar that that zombie girl got caught on," informing he explained. "Plus it has Griffin's scent on it too."
      Blade smiled realising what the rouge leader was indicating. Zok held out the snar trap at the Direwolf. The Direwolf sniffed the snar then lifted its head smelling the air. Suddenly, the Direwolf caught the scent of Griffin! The Direwolf howled letting the Orc and him know that he found a scent. The rouge leader smiled proudly with a toothy grin.
      "Let's round up the others," Zok commanded Blade. "But first, we need to know their weaknesses."
      He led the Orc who now was riding the Direwolf back to the others. Once their leader had returned, they were hard at work preparing the weaknesses of Griffin and his friends.
      "So these are the weaknesses of the Blood Borns we are tracking," explained an Orc. "Vampire, garlic and ashwood is deadily to them. Witches really do not have a weakness unless you know spells to counteract theirs. You could still kill them though. They are not that all immortal. Zombies weakness is...well, we are really not sure. And a werewolves is..."
      "," Zok finished for him half-irritated. "I already knew that."
      He strold along through their makeshift camp observing them. The rouge leader then stared into the forest. Zok was relentless to catch Griffin and his friends. He did not want to disappoint the Wardon. The rouge leader had never failed to bring back anybody.
      So far, Griffin was doing a really good job of tarnishing his reputation! Zok knew he couldn't take down him and his friends alone. An Orc walked up to his side and looked at him.
      "How are we going to catch these Blood Borns even though we know their weakness?" began speaking the Orc. "That one called Griffin is too clever and sly like a fox."
      "I have friends who I can call upon," he answered not turning his head away from the forest. "Rrrroooaaaarrrrr!" growled the rouge leader.
      After Zok growled, there was a reply back.
      He smirked an evil grin which he continued staring at the forest. Emerging from the dark was some Orcs. These Orcs however were savage looking warring loin cloths. They carried with them weapons of their choice either a dagger, sword, mace, or axe! The savage Orcs had their faces and chest painted with different pattern in black. The Orc standing next to the rouge leader looked startled.
      "With more Orcs we will capture Griffin and his friends," Zok spoke ominously.
      He began walking towards the savage Orcs with still a grin. Once the rouge leader approached the savage Orcs, Zok began to speak in their laungue.
      "How are you doing, Zodd, my brother?"
      "I am doing, well," answered the leader of the savage Orcs.
      "I've called upon you to help me?" he informed.
      "What kind of help?" grinning Zodd queried.
      "I need help catching five Blood Borns to return to my master, the Wardon."
      The savage leader still grinning turned to his men. "Zok, needs our help capturing some Blood Borns! Are you up to the challenge?!"
      Zodd's men roared as an answer throwing their right hands in the air that clenched their weapons!
      The savage leader turned back to Zok grinning a toothy smile at his brother. "They are in," he said in English-language.
      The rouge leader smiled a toothy grin too. "Perfect!" happily he says.

Griffin had heard the roaring of the Orcs a few miles away. They were still traveling in the forest not having to worry about the werewolf anymore. He looked back at his friends who were still walking. Griffin though could tell that they were becoming exhausted.
      "We will stop for the night," he informed them, "once we reach the plains."
      Lillian strold up beside him and started keeping up with his pace. She was smiling which her smile always put him in a good mood.
      "I am proud of you, Griffin," joyful Lillian praised. "You mastered on how were to control your wolf side."
      "Thank you," Griffin responded proud.
      The sky had turned pink of late afternoon once they reached the plains. Griffin and Klydd perpared a fire to cook the meat that Lillian and Zoe bring back. Scarlet was sitting down against a small slumped boulder reading in her book of spells.
      "So you and Scarlet are a couple since you guys made out?"
      "Yeah, we are actually," answered the vampire embaressed that he knows. He lets out a happy sigh. "I love her."
      Griffin smiled joyfully for his friend. He felt the same way about Lillian.
      Zoe and her returned to their makeshift camp with two brown rabbits and a few squirrels. They did not have with them any deer. This concerned Griffin which he approached Lillian.
      "Where is a deer?" he asked curiously.
      "Zoe and I could not find any," informing she said not pleased. "Either they were hiding from us or they all gone missing."
      "That's okay," Griffin assured after kissing her. "We should be fine."
      They cooked the rabbits and one squirrel. Zoe ate the other squirrel raw.
      "Everyone, get some good nights rest," commanding he tells them. "We still have quit a few ways to go."
      Zoe laid down using a boulder as a pillow.
      Scarlet laid down next to the boulder which Klydd laid down behind her. He wrapped his left arm across her weighst pulling her closer to him. She smiled happily at his embrace and snuggled with him before falling asleep.
      Lillian laid down on her left side which Griffin laid down behind her. He too, like the vampire, wrapped his right arm around her weight. Griffin pulled Lillian closer to him which she snuggled against him smiling. She fell asleep which he smiled as he watched for a bit her sleep. Griffin kissed Lillian on the side of her neck.
      "Good-night, Lillian, my beautiful love," he whispered affectionately in her ear before going to sleep.
      It was silent for a moment then a voice spoke softly.
      Griffin woke up suddenly hearing the soft voice calling his name. He lifted his head looking at his friends but saw they were sleeping. Griffin then looked up at the plains small hill to see a lady who was faint with a glow around her. His eyes widen with shock!
      Griffin was careful not to wake Lillian as he got to his feet. He walked to Loura's spirit. Griffin never thought he would ever see his mother. He was delighted to see her and stared at her holding back his tears.
      "My dear, Griffin," softly speaking she replied. "You have grown strong and I am very proud of you."
      Loura reached a hand out and touched the side of his face. Griffin could not hold back his tears anymore which burst out. She wiped his tears with her thumb.
      "You are kindhearted," Loura kept talking softly complementing. "You are also an excellent leader." She removed her hand from his face and looked over at Lillian. "You chose a fine, mate, my son," approved Loura.
      "Thank you," he said speachless. Griffin then wrapped his arms around his mother in a hug. She hug him in return and kissed his head. "I missed you so much," admitting he confide.
      "I know," Loura replied with dreamy eyes. "You were a baby when I had died and I am sorry I left you too soon."
      "Don't be," assured Griffin. "You loved me and father so much you wanted to save us. If you had not, I would have been dead."
      "I am glad you are excepting my dission and me gone," she said happily smiling. "Don't worry. You will have more delight coming other than Lillian."
      He was confused as to what his mother was implying.
      "I will always be watching you, my beautiful son."
      Luora began to fade away which Griffin stared at her. He then was staring at the plains beyond. Lillian woke slowly and half-lifted herself off the ground. She saw him on the hill his back turned.
      "Griffin?" He looked back at her. "Are you all right?"
      "I'm fine." Griffin lied, "I thought I heard the Orcs." He walked back to her and laid down again. "Go back to sleep."
      Lillian obeyed and laid down which her eyes closed in sleep again. Griffin kissed her head then laid his head down too. He was still confused of what his mother said about him having more delight. Griffin though was going to find out when that time come.

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