Chapter 19

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Morning had approached which Griffin kissed Lillian on her temple. She stirred which her eyes opened slowly as she woke up. Lillian looked up to see him staring down at her with a smile.
"Good morning," she repeated with a smile too.
Everyone else were waking up as well. Scarlet and Klydd kissed too before getting up. Zoe was waking up too and looked to see the wich and vampire kissing.
"Okay, get a room you two," teased the zombie girl.
"We can't," he remarks smiling. "There is no where to get a room."
She just scoffed with a smile.
"You are just jolious that you don't have someone special to love," guesses Klydd.
"Naa," Zoe says with a flick of her hand. "I only like teasing you."
After gathering their stuff, Griffin and the others headed off. They continued venturing on the expansion of land. Griffin was still trying to figure out what his mother meant last night. What more delight was she talking about? Was she referring to when him and Lillian made love in that rock cave?
He was not for sure what delights he was going to be expecting. Aparently, only his mother knew. Griffin looked back at Lillian who was talking with Scarlet and Zoe. He was happy to have her as a special love one. He could not wait to have a future with her!
Griffin brought out the locket from behind his shirt and cluched it. "I found my special someone," quietly he spoke to himself, "just like you have mother."
He had hoped that Loura heard him. Lillian suddenly walked up and began to stroll alongside him. She held his hand affectionately. Griffin smiled and kissed the side of her head. The peaceful moments with her lasted for a while until suddenly he felt the ground quake! Griffin knew what this meant and was hoping they were in the clear.
"Run!" he yelled with panic.
Lillian and his friends did not need to ask why. They knew by now that when Griffin would say run, it meant the Orcs were gaining on them! They began to run which thankfully the rouges have not caught up yet.
"We are almost there," encouraged Griffin. "Just a few more forest to trek through until we are to the mountain."
Right as drew nearer to the forest, Klydd halted. He stared back at the empty plains soon to have Direwolves and Orcs! Griffin saw and stopped at the forest's egde. Lillian and their friends halted too.
"Klydd? Come on!" the witch coaxes the vampire.
"No," firm he responds.
Griffin could feel that the rouges were still coming. They were not in veiw yet but they would be coming soon. He was just delaying their escaping the Orcs.
"Klydd! We have to go!" he attempted to soothe. "We are almost to the mountain. All we need to do is go through this forest then we are home free."
"The Orcs will be coming," trying to soothe as well Lillian said half-worried.
"I don't want to keep running!" Klydd spoke still firm. "I preferr to fight them!"
The vampire was strong now after a few days of rest from his accident with the rouges.
"It is a risk," informed Griffin calmly.
"Will the Orcs really stop after we cross the border?" he pointed out. "We must fight to show them that we are not weak.We are not weak! We are strong!"
Griffin looked at the plains to see now the Orcs were in view! It looked like Zok regrouped with other Orcs.
"Alright! We fight," agreed Griffin. "Everyone...fight your hardest!"
He guided his friends back onto the vast bare landscape.
Zok and the Orcs stopped for a moment staring across off in the distances. He had a smirk across his face!
"Finally, they fight back," he replies pleassure in his tone.
"Are you sure it is not a trap?" asked Zodd curious.
"Nonsense," he responds still smiling. "Griffin and his friends do not create traps. He finally got some senses to man up and face me! I knew he couldn't run forever!"
"Whatever you say, brother," submissive the savage leader replies.
Zodd, him, and the Orcs began running or riding on Direwolves again at Griffin and his friends!
He began to stroll across the plains which then they slowly speeding up their pace until they finally were running!
Once Griffin and the Orcs meet in the middle, they collided in a ferocious fight!

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