Chapter three: Mr. and Mrs. Gold

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Detectives Jessica and Elliott pulled up to the house, and walked up to the house, and Jessica knocks on the door and yells "POLICE". There was no answer. She knocked again and yelled "ITS THE POLICE". Once again no answer. Elliot then says "let me try" he knocks on the door and yells "POLICE IS ANYONE HOME?" Mr Gold opened the door and said "hello". Detective Elliott so "hello Mr. Gold" as Jessica and Elliott shows there badges Jessica asks "May we come in?" Mr. Gold said "yes".

The detectives went inside and Elliott said, "this is detective Jessica and I am detective Elliott." Mrs. Gold came in the room where the detectives and Mr. Gold is. And Mr. Gold said "this is Jolene and I'm Adam, how can we help you"?

The detectives looked at each other and back at Mr. and Mrs. Gold. "Does the name Letti Gold mean anything to you"? Jessica asked. And Jolene said "yes". Jessica asked "how do you know her"? And Jolene and Adam both said "that is our daughter". Elliott said "we found her in a best western hotel room earlier this morning dead".

Jolene shrieked and screamed noooo.....

"May we ask a few questions about her?" Adam said "yes of course anything that will help." Elliot asked "were you two close to her?" Adam and Jolene both said "well kind of". Elliott asked "why kind of?" Jolene said "She started hanging out with bad crowds and dating bad guys. Like really bad guys. She just drifted away from us pretty fast. With the guy she is with now we feel that she is coming back to us again." Elliot asked "how long has she been with this new guy?" Jolene with concern says "it's been a few weeks I believe." Elliott asks "you seem concerned with this guy is there anything else you want to tell us?"

Jolene says "She has had a couple really really bad relationships, before this new guy. Like with her first relationship, Hank Dean was a alcoholic and he would get abusive towards her. Physically abusive. The second boyfriend was Ronald Ellen and was worse yet. He was heavy in the drugs and and was even a worse alcoholic. He was a horrible influence on her. Like get her in trouble." Jessica asks "how was he a bad influence on her?" Jolene says "well he would go and steel vehicles, steel stuff from the grocery store, liquor stores even."

Jessica and Elliott just stood there shaking their heads.

Jessica asks "when was the last time you heard from Letti?" Jolene answers "about a week ago." Elliott chimes in and asks "how did she sound on the phone?" She sounded good, she seemed happy, no fear or worry in her voice what-so-ever."

"May I ask whose name is tattooed on her wrist?" Asks Jessica. Jolene said "that would be Neil, we weren't pleased with it when she told us. But she is of age and it's her own body." Jessica asks "now who is Neil?" Jolene and Adam both say "that would be her fiancé."

Elliott asks "would you two happen to know his last name?" Jolene said "yes, it's Andrews."

Jessica says "ok, thank you for answering our questions, if we have anymore we will stop by, and if you have anything to add or ask or anything here is our business card. Please don't hesitate to call."

Mr. and Mrs. Gold said "thank you so much for stopping by, please find who did this to her." Jessica and Elliott both said together we will most definitely will. We will do everything in our power to catch him." They all say goodbye.

Detective Jessica said to Elliott "well let's get back to the station and see what we can figure out where this Neil Andrews lives, and let's go have a chat with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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