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Savannah woke with a sharp intake of breath

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Savannah woke with a sharp intake of breath. Despite the uncomfortable sofa she had slept on, having Derek by her side meant her muscles felt no ache.

Suddenly the space beside her felt exceedingly empty. Turning she found no trace of Derek beside her. Just a blanket, draped gently over her body, giving her the warmth his body was no longer supplying. Her phone read 7:45, meaning she was late for work. She sprung up, forgetting that she was in the same clothes as yesterday, grabbing her belongings and running out the door. A part of her heart wanted to lie in bed all day, waiting for the man she loved to return. But as usual, she followed her head and left, reminding herself how far she had made it alone.

By the time she made it to the school she only had 5 minutes to make it to class. She walked in to see Jennifer already there writing on the board.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Jennifer!" Savannah's breath laboured as she had ran from the car, her heels making it a challenge to walk quickly and dodge teenagers in the hall at the same time.

"It's okay Savannah, we're just about to start." Soon enough kids started to file into the room, talking and laughing amongst themselves.

"Good morning Miss Green." One boy whistled, his friends in toe laughing along with him.

"Good morning." Savannah smiled pleasantly. She would have to get used to this. With a mental eye roll she began to hand out the papers to the class.

By the time her day was over she was exhausted, but she knew she would never rest without speaking to Derek. She knew when he was hiding something, and he most definitely was. His normal husky voice would get more distant, and the glint in his eyes when they met her own would fade. All signs that Derek was lying.

As Savannah pulled open the door to Derek's loft she heard a voice she never thought she would hear again.

"...one of the Hales. Do you know how long I've waited to hear something like that?" The authoritative tone was undeniably Cora Hale. She knew that voice anywhere. Savannah hadn't seen Cora since before the fire. She had spent years thinking Cora was dead. But her unmistakable voice rang loud and clear.

Her mind reminisced all the memories she had growing up with her, after all if it wasn't for Cora, she never would have fallen in love with Derek. The 'best friend's brother' was a classic cliché but it was true in their case. Although it was true that Savannah did love Derek, but she had just as much love for her best friend too.

"C-Cora..." Savannah stuttered. Cora had grown up to be a beautiful young woman, her short, dark hair framing her face, clearing defining her as a Hale. Her body was slim as her defined muscles showed her strength. Savannah has always felt insecure about her body yet Cora was always so confident.

The shock was evident on Cora's face. The usual brooding look gone from her face as her eyes welled with tears. In front of her stood a very grown and very beautiful Savannah Green. The girl who Cora looked up to her entire life. They did everything together, until life took its painful course.

"Sav?" Her joyous cry initiating the two to run and hug each other. They gripped each other tightly as they cried on each other's shoulders, trying to make up for lost time. Holding each other tightly, it felt familiar and they were almost terrified it would disappear if they let go.

A small smile crossed Derek's face as stood aside watching the two most important people in his life reunite. He used to love watching his sister and Savannah get on so well. Every man wanted his sister and girlfriend to get on, but these two took it to another level. Sometimes when Savannah would stay over at their house, Cora and Savannah would end up cuddling in his bed instead of him and his girlfriend, resulting Derek to begrudgingly sleep on the floor.

The moment however, was rudely interrupted by the blaring of Derek's alarm.

"What's that?" Cora asked.

"Trouble." Derek muttered, pulling Savannah closely behind him. "Do exactly as I say Savannah, you hear me?"

Savannah nodded against Derek's back, seeing the bright red eyes of Ennis. Derek pleaded Cora to stop as she charged at the large alpha in front of her. Throwing her down like a toy, Ennis held Cora by the throat, looking up and taunting Derek and Savannah.

In a rage, Savannah ran to Ennis from behind Derek's back despite his shouts to stop, launching a kick at his chest. It was silly, a human against an Alpha, but Savannah had always been fiercely protective of Cora. Despite making impact with his chest, Savannah's strong kick had no effect as Ennis grabbed her leg, pulling her forward and causing her entire body to go flying to the floor. Her head hit the floor with a painful crack making both Derek and Cora cringe. Just as Derek went to free the girls from Ennis's grip, he had his own battle with Kali to face.

Savannah's head throbbed as black spots covered her vision. Watching Kali overpower Derek, she could only lie helplessly on the floor, reaching her arm out towards Derek as she drove a metal pole through his back, as if it could bring her some sort of comfort to try and help him.

She couldn't remember when Deucalion entered the room or when he allowed Ennis to free them, as all she could feel was the pounding as Cora cradled her head and all she could focus on was Derek. Or at least try to.

She didn't even realise the Alphas has left until Cora helped to carry her over to Derek as he slumped on the floor in pain.

"Savannah?" He grunted in pain.

Savannah could only hum in response, the overwhelming pain in her head was too much. Lying beside each other, the pain took over as Savannah's vision went black as her head rested peacefully on Derek's chest.

When Savannah awoke it was dark outside, and the rain pelted heavily down Derek's large windows.

"Derek?" She called into the dark as she knew he was hiding in the shadows of his loft.

"Derek? Where are yo-" Savannah's words were cut off as she looked to see her clothes sitting in a pile on the desk. She knew exactly what Derek was doing. She was pushing her away, once again.

With a sigh, she walked over to the desk and lifted her clothes. She thought Derek had changed, but he was still the cowardly boy she once knew. Knowing he could hear her, Savannah began to walk towards the door.

"You know Derek, eventually when you continually push those you love away, they may stop coming back." She called out into the darkness. She knew he was hiding, somewhere, in the darkness watching her. "You don't fight for love Derek... you never have. Instead your terrified of it. And that's what will lead to you being alone. Not the risks that involve being with you." With her words hanging in the air, Savannah walked out the door of Derek's loft and didn't turn back.

She knew how she felt about Derek, feelings like that could never go away. However she was unsure if both Derek or her were ready for what a relationship of that magnitude what hold. She was unsure if her heart was fully healed from the last time he had shattered it. Love was an incredibly delicate thing, and Savannah couldn't decide if she was brave enough to risk everything for a man, who not only broke her heart, but her trust as well.

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