chapter 2

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Celie's pov:

1 step 2 and 3 4 and turn around I mumbled to myself working on the choreo for the show. I had been here sense 6 this morning running over the same choreo we had been practicing for weeks. I was nervous we wouldn't get into the finals for our last year of high school, so I had to make it perfect. Going over the last part I was interrupted when the music stopped and 3 familiar voices started screaming. "really boo it's a Saturday night and you have been here for hours I'm sure"jungwoo sighed patting my back. I rolled my eyes curious to why they were here. I turned around they were in these amazing outfits. "wah what is going on and why do you all look beautiful"?! "ah yes glad you asked we are going to a party my the Na jaemin's party" jungwoo said smirking at me. "we? You mean you three cause I have things to do" I said laughing at their demand. "yep knew she was going to say that grab her jungwoo" ji-a said walking out with taylor. Jungwoo picked me up throwing me over his shoulder and I squealed. "yah pabo if you don't put me down his instant I wi-" I was stopped by a slap on my butt. "ah jungwooooo!" I hollered. He giggled as he put me in the car. "guys I can't go I don't have a dress" I said whining. As soon as it came out of my mouth a dress was thrown at me. "great now I have dress but what about my brother he will kill me" I said hoping to get out of going to this party. "Yah Celie its a masked party you'll be fine." taylor giggled throwing me a mask that matched my dress. I sighed smiling widely at them. We reached jungwoo's house and they dragged me to the bathroom and rushed to get my hair and makeup done. "ow that's my hair you're pulling you ass" I whined smacking jungwoos hand away. "baby I'm almost done hold still" he whined pushing my hand away. I sighed letting them finish after what felt like hours. "yaas queen now lets go girls" jungwoo said walking out swaying his hips dramatically. I shook my head, gosh why do I love this kid I chuckled. we got in the car putting on our masks as we pulled up to Na jaemin's house. I was shocked at how big his house was. we walked up to the house ringing the door bell. a tall handsome pink haired boy walked out, he was beautiful. "hello guys come on in" he said happily. He smiled at us and bowed winking at me with a smile. oh geez I thought what am I getting myself into. we walked in and the lights were bright and the music was loud. The sweet stench of Alcohol and smoke filled the room. I followed the girls and Jungwoo to the bar getting a few shots. I decided not to take too many sense I could get a little out of control. Jungwoo smiled over at me and wiggled his finger and told me to come over I walked over and he wrapped his arm around my waist hiding his head in my neck. He started kissing my neck lightly and I rolled my eyes..yep he was defiantly drunk. he began to nibble and suck on my neck that's when I pulled away. "jungwoo-ah no" I laughed. he pouted and then smirked grabbing my arm. "fine, lets go dance baby" he said dragging me to the floor. We danced for a while until the girls and I heard our fav song. so I found them dragging them into the middle and we began to dance like no one was watching. the mask made it even better no one knew who we were. after we finished the crowd cheered and we hugged each other laughing. "woah babes that was amazing wanna hook up" ? a guy asked taylor. she just laughed and scoffed walking away. we rolled our eyes and went back to talking and laughing. I was listeing to them talk when I turned my head seeing a very familiar looking boy walk down the stairs. His hair was a pretty silver and he walked with pride, he was a very beautiful figure. I wanted to know who he was. "yah celie did you hear what i sa- woah he's hot girl" ji-a said as taylor and her both looked. I nodded and stared as he walked down, his dark but sweet eyes moved to mine and he smiled a little walking towards me. my whole body heated up and butterflies shot through my stomach. He was getting closer until a big crowd ran passed him and like that he was gone. "what the-" the girls said next to me. "you guys saw him too right" ji-a asked. we both nodded confused and sad at the same time. "hello ladies" a boy came up, his voice sounding familiar. "hi handsome" ji-a giggled. "why what are you doing here alone, care to have this dance my lady?" he asked sticking out his hand towards ji-a. she nodded taking it and winked at us and we gave her a thumbs up."ooo girl that boy is so cute good luck with strangely beautiful man i'm going to dance" she said running over to a boy. I giggled as I watched my friends having a good time. Jungwoo was with a tall dark headed guy dancing like crazy, and ji-a and taylor were dancing and giggling. then I realized im the only without someone. I sighed walking around until I saw a dance room. I smiled walking in, I found a speaker and pressed play. I started to feel the beat and began to dance to it feelin every part of the rhythm to the song. I closed my eyes and pretended like I was back at home dancing in my old room. "you've got some moves doll, care if I join you"? someone behind me asked. I turned around to see who it was.

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