Twenty-Seven - Linkin

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The arguing in the house was never ending. Even when it was just joking around, there was still stress in everyone's voices. I stood in the kitchen, absentmindedly mixing lemonade as Four headed outside once again to interrogate Nita and Celestia. For the first time in what felt like forever, the house was quiet.

It didn't last more than thirty-seconds before the door swung open with a creak and Yulian chased Fang inside. They were both laughing and Fang even squealed as Yulian pinched his sides. I closed my eyes, letting the high pitch sound pierce my tired mind and slowly opened my eyes again. "You two better not be tracking mud all over my clean floors."

The two froze, eyes wide as they stared at me. "We..." Yulian couldn't even think of a lie.

"Shoes off, the both of you." All I could do was sigh as I turned to get two glasses from the cupboard. "Lemonade?"

I could hear the thunk from four shoes hitting the floor and I could only imagine the spray of dirt that surrounded them. "Yes please!" Fang said excitedly, sprinting over and sitting up at the breakfast bar as I placed a glass down.

Yulian walked over slowly, looking at me. "You look different, Linkin."

"Tired." I sighed.

"Older," Yulian corrected me and sat down, taking the other glass of lemonade. My eyes lifted and I shot him a glare. "No, no, it looks good on you." Even still, his compliment sounded more like an insult.

I shook my head and looked at Fang, forcing a smile as I leaned forward. "How was showing Uncle Yulian around?" My eyes lifted to the door. "Where's Wu?"

"He went to the shed with Beiya," Fang said between gulps of the sweet, cold juice. "Yulian said his arm was hurting so we came back inside." I let out a genuine smile to Yulian, glad at least someone was thinking of the ten year old.

Yulian nodded like he knew what I was thinking. "Go lay down if you're tired. Fang is going to show me his craft room once we catch our breaths." He was smiling. "Australia is hot."

We all laughed together and I stood up a bit straighter. "I wish I could, but I have more work–"

"Mom, you're always working now!" Fang whined with a pout. "Can't you come play with us for a bit?"

Yulian's eyes went wide and stared at me. "Mom?" he echoed.

I shrugged and slowly moved around to his side of the breakfast bar, leaning against it beside him. "I know, I'm sorry honey." I said gently, reaching out and placing a hand on his cheek. "But I need to do some work for a bit, and it's going to take me away for a bit."

"What?" Fang's eyes went wide and I stared down into the eyes of a child as his heart broke. 

I leaned forward and gathered him in my arms, running my fingers through his hair. "It won't be for long," I breathed, kissing the top of his head and focused on Fang even though I knew Yulian was staring at me just as alarmed. "I don't want to go either, but once I do, we'll be safe." It hurt my own heart to smile through the pain. "I can finally take you home, my home. Remember the stories I told you about New York?"

Fang slowly nodded, clinging onto me tightly. "But I don't want you to go."

"I know, and I don't want to go either, but I have to." I continued to run my fingers through his hair. "I won't be gone long and you know I'll be back, don't you?" That's when I was met with silence. "Fang?"

"I don't want to lose you too. Haven't I lost enough moms?"

Fang was far too young to know such pain and I closed my eyes to keep tears from falling. "You aren't losing me. I'm coming back." I pulled away to lean in and look him in the eyes. "I'm coming back. You can't get rid of me that easily." I placed a hand to his cheek with a smile and brushed away a tear. "I'll never leave you. I'll always be here to look over you. Don't you ever forget that, alright?" My own eyes stung at the possibility that I was making a promise I couldn't keep. Ira's paranoia was getting to me. "Plus, you have Uncle Yulian, Aunt Ira, and Thierry all here to keep you company."

"But I want you!" he yelled.

"I know," I said, pulling him back against me, "You know that Thierry wouldn't let me go if he thought it was dangerous though, right? You know he loves me as much as he loves you. He'll never let either of us get hurt and–"

I was cut off when there was a knock on the front door. My eyes lifted to Yulian who simply stared at us as if he didn't hear it. He slowly blinked and his gaze fell to the screen door. "I-I'll get it," he stuttered, swallowing the frog in his throat.

"Thank you," I whispered, running my hand along Fang's back. I knew who our visitor was, by name, but not by face. "It's Bruce. He has something that will keep me safe."

Fang's grip on my shirt continued to tighten. "Don't go?"

I chewed my lip, his pleas giving me pause. "Why don't you sit on my lap and we can see what Bruce is going to do to make sure that I'm safe. If you don't think it's safe enough, I won't go, okay?" I didn't know if I meant the words or not, but it at least got Fang to release the death grip on my shirt. "Okay?"

"Promise?" Fang looked up at me.

"Cross my heart," I smiled back down at him. He slowly released me, only to take my hand and walk with me to the living room.

Evolution - The Oasis Project Book 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें