Introduction (Part 1)

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Dear Kelly,
                     This is Jonas, your  ex-boyfriend, I wonder, how are you?
              How is your life with your new boyfriend? Is he nice? Does he treat
              you right? I hope he-

Jonas stopped when he felt tears falling on his cheeks...

It has been a year since the break-up, but he hasn't move on...

Was it the ring that I bought for her or was it that I loved her so much?
He told himself...

He looked at the engagement ring that he was about to give to Kelly...

Kelly! -Jonas shouted

He stopped when he saw-

W-who is t-that? Why is Kelly kissing him-

Jonas stopped talking on his mind when Kelly stopped kissing the man

M-maybe the man is just a creep...yeah yeah it's just a cree-

I love you so much Jason!
Kelly shouted, not noticing her boyfriend was just watching her with another man...

A tear fell on Jonas cheeks

Jonas looked at the box and opened it...

Well, this ring was all for nothing...
Said, Jonas


Jonas: Why did you let me suffer this much Lord?

Jonas: Why am I talking to you? You're not even real!


- An athiest

- hates God

- Think the world is pathetic

- Has depression

- Nearly losing hope

Will God accept him even, he hated God?

-To be continued

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