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Jonas gets up from his chair and-

Jonas: Ouch!

He stumbles because of his clumsiness...

Phone: Fall, everything, fall, everything

A/n: Yes, the ringtone is I need you😂

Jonas: Ugh! Why!?

He kicked the chair that makes him fall

Instead of having revenge for the chair, he got hurt more...

He scream because of pain..

He looked at his phone to see who is calling him,
It's his step-mom

He moved the phone further away from him..

Jonas came from school, rushing, and can't wait to see his mother and father solved the arguement-

He saw his father and his mothe-

Wait, this isn't my mother...

Jonas expected that the girl that his father would sit with is his mother..

Jonas: Father, w-who-

Father: It's your new mom!

Jonas' father introduced and greeted Jonas with a huge smile and stand up to hug him

But before his father could hug him, his tears fell down quickly

Jonas' pov: He lied to me!


Father: Jonas, this is your-

Jonas: What? You'll say that she's my mother? That's not my mother!

Step-mother: Jonas honey! Calm-

Jonas looked at his step-mother

Jonas: And you!? What did you do to my mother!? You monster!

Father: Hey! Stop it Jonas!

Jonas: You expect me to stop!? Dad I'm not blind! I can see you with another girl! What do you want me to expect? Like it even the girl you are flirting with is not mom!?

Father: Jonas!

As soon that his father is going to speak, Jonas turned his back and walked away and exit the house...

But he came back, he can't live his own back then,


Jonas: Maybe I should just die early? Maybe I should just die.....I should bring the knife to end this all...

He stood up and went to the kitchen
He took the knife and held it and point it on his neck...

A tear suddenly fell down from Jonas' eye-

Jonas: Ugh! What is it?

Someone is knocking on the door...

Jonas went to the living room and opened the door...

Jonas: What is it?!-

Jonas stopped when he saw the person who is there, it's his mother....

Jonas was jaw-dropped not expecting his visitor....

He quickly hugged his mother and, tears fell....

Jonas: I miss you mom...

Tears continue to fall, but when he looked at his left, he saw a man...

The man was staring at them while they are hugging...

Jonas' POV: This guy looks suspicious...

Jonas' mom broke the hug and looked at Jonas, his mom pointed the man...

Jonas' mom: This is your new dad!

Jonas was shook by that sentence of his mother...

Jonas once again felt the tears on his cheeks, not because of happiness, but because of the feeling of his mom had forsaken him...

His smile suddenly fades...

Jonas: My new dad!?

Jonas' mom: Yes sweety-

Jonas shook his head and forcely smiled,

Jonas: I'm sorry mom, I can't, I can't-

He turned his back on his mom and closed the door, he leaned on it....

Jonas: Why?.....why?........WHY!?

Jonas faced the door and punched it.....

Jonas: I don't need to die, I need revenge....

Jonas' tears continuesly flow down because of anger...

Jonas: Should I ruin myself!?......nah, I should be better....I should show them that I am much more greater....not in their ways because their ways are SO PATHETIC! I'LL SHOW YOU ALL THAT I'M GREATER!

*Knock knock*

Jonas wiped his tears and opened the door,

Jonas: It's time....

He opened it,


He expected his mom and her man when he opened the door but-

Boy: Would you like to join in our christian bible study sir?

Jonas rolled his eyes...

Jonas: I'm an athiest, I can't go...

Jonas closed the door-

The boy's foot blocked the door from closing....

Jonas rolled his eyes, he opened the door....

Jonas: what did I say-

Boy: I-if you have problems, surrender it to God! He knows your pain sir, good bye....

Jonas: He doesn't-

The boy turned his back and walked away....

Jonas: Pfft....that was weird

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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