Truth or dare?

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This book does not include Mineta, since I absolutely hate him. Enjoy the Mineta free story.

It was just after dinner and the students of 1-A were sitting in their common room. They had been living with each other for a month now and the excitement of living on their own had faded. 

Time to spice things up. 

Ashido burst through the door, holding a colourful book. ''I got it, I got it!'' She jumped up and down, clearly very excited about that book. Kaminari jumped up and grabbed it out of her hands. ''Hey, give it back, it's mine!'' She tried to grab it back, but Kaminari held it out of her reach and read the title out loud. ''Truth or dare: Mild Edition.'' On the couches Kirishima and Sero cheered, Midoriya starting muttering to himself and Bakugou just groaned. The rest stayed quiet. ''Who wants to play this game with me?''

Sato, Koda, Hagakure and Tokoyami went to their rooms, they didn't want to play a game where you needed to tell the truth or do stupid things. The rest of the students stayed. They all sat in a circle on the ground. Bakugou was complaining, but he didn't leave, even though he had the option to do so. Ashido explained the rules. ''The rules are simple. I spin the bottle and the person it points to has to choose truth or dare. Then I flip the book open on a random page and that's the question you need to answer or the dare you need to do. You are allowed to pass two times, so be careful. Any questions?'' 

Anticipation filled the room as the bottle spinned. It landed on Iida. ''Iida, truth or dare?'' He sat up straight. ''I will tell the truth.'' Uraraka giggled at his formal answer. Mina opened the book. ''Let's see. Ah, here. What is the most embarrassing thing you have put up on social media?'' ''I have never used social media to make a fool of myself.'' Of course. ''Okay, next person!'' Ashido gave a good spin to the bottle and it landed on Jirou. ''Jirou, truth or dare?'' She stared at the bottle for a few seconds, before answering. ''Uh, dare I guess?'' 

Kaminari came back out of the kitchen with a spoon and cinnamon. He gave it to Jirou while grinning maniacally. When she heard that she needed to do the 'cinnamon challenge' she had asked what it was. Oh boy, she didn't what was coming. ''Just put the cinnamon on the spoon and eat it. Try to not spit it out.'' Jirou hesitantly put the spoon in her mouth and tried to eat it, but she almost immediatly started choking and blew most of the cinnamon out of her mouth. ''It's burning!'' Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima were laughing their asses off, but the rest of the group was very confused. Ashido gave Jirou a bottle of water and explained what happened. ''If you put a lot of cinnamon in your mouth at once it will feel like your mouth is burning. It's really painful, but a funny challenge.'' 

The next victim was was Ashido herself. Jirou grabbed the book from her. ''Your turn Mina, truth or dare?'' Ashido grinned. ''Dare, of course, I'm not scared.'' Jirou opened the book again. ''Let someone, determine who by spinning the bottle again, draw something on your arm with a permanent marker.'' She gave the bottle a spin and it landed on Yaoyorozu. ''Momo, you get to draw something on her arm.'' Yaoyorozu got a marker and sat down next to Ashido. ''Close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise.'' Ashido closed her eyes and after a few minutes she finally got to open them. Yaoyorozu had drawn an alien space ship on her arm, but also had signed it with her own hero name: Creati. ''Momo! Did you just plug yourself on my arm?'' Yaoyorozu gave her a quick wink and walked back to her place in the circle. She really was full of surprises. 

''C'est moi, I am the most beautiful'' Aoyama had to tell who he thought was the most beautiful, but he kinda ruined it by saying he himself was the most beautiful. The next one was more exciting, Ojiro choose dare and had to impersonate a cartoon character. He chose Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh. With a red face from embarrassment he jumped around on his tail. The group lost it when Yaoyorozu put a few stripes on his tail with her permanent marker. ''Time for the next one!'' Ashido spinned the bottle again and it landed on Sero, the one who had laughed the hardest at all the others. Kirishima slapped him on his shoulder. ''I hope you get something worse.'' 

Ashido opened the book and almost choked from laughter. Kirishima grabbed the book from her and also laughed, but he managed to read it out loud. ''Put your arm in the garbage bin, past your elbow. Make sure someone films it.'' Sero put on a brave face. ''Pfft, that's nothing.'' Kaminari pushed him to the kitchen, the group following them on their heels. The garbage bin was really full, since it would be emptied tomorrow. Shoji was holding the phone, because no one else trusted themselves to not drop it from laughter. ''Three... Two... One... GO!'' 

''IT'S SLIMY IN HERE, WHAT DID YOU GUYS THROW AWAY!?'' His arm was almost halfway in the bin. Sero had been standing there for almost a minute, continiously gagging from the smell. ''You're almost done soy sauce face.'' Bakugou had been silent the whole evening, but even he couldn't help but grin at this. Finally Sero's arm was in past his elbow. He pulled his arm out and ran to the showers, probably to get rid of the horrible smell. Ashide smirked and held the book above her head. ''Who's ready for another round?''

Dorm Life {My Hero Academia}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora