Never have I ever {Bakusquad}

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The bakusquad: Ashido, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou

Side note: they are a little older than in the anime, around 17/18 

The bakusquad made it a habbit to spend their free time in Bakugou's room. He had the simplest room, so his room had the most space. It started with Kirishima having sleepovers with Bakugou and slowly turned into the other squad members also coming to hang out. Even though Bakugou was always complaining he never sent them away. They weren't scared of physical contact, so some evenings they just fell asleep on Bakugou's bed. All of them. On top of each other. Even Bakugou. If they had nightmares or felt lonely, they would go to Bakugou's room and Bakugou would grumpingly let them into his bed. In the morning, Bakugou's alarm clock would go super early and he would kick them out of his room, so the other classmates had no idea that this was happening. 

One evening they were all sitting in Bakugou's room, as always, reading or doing homework. ''We should play a game.'' Ashido was laying upside down off of the side of Bakugou's bed. ''What would you want to play? It's already late.'' She sat up. ''We could play Never Have I Ever! It's a really fun game.'' Bakugou was just looking confused. Kaminari's mouth fell open. ''You've never played Never Have I Ever?'' Bakugou shrugged. ''It's really simple. You have ten lives,'' Ashido held up ten fingers, ''and every person gets a turn to say never have i ever ... eaten chocolate cake. If you have done what they haven't done, then you put a finger down. You win if you eliminate everyone else. Everthing is allowed, except lying.''   

They sat down in a circle on the ground. Bakugou and Kirishima next to each other, Ashido next to Kirishima, then Sero and lastly, next to Bakugou, Kaminari. ''Should we play with a punishment? The loser needs to kiss their crush or, if they don't have a crush, the cutest person they know.'' Sero was grinning from ear to ear. Ashido and Kaminari instantly agreed and Bakugou and Kirishima did too, but not as quick as the others. Ashido volunteered to go first. ''Never have I ever gotten an A+ on a test.'' Only Bakugou put a finger down. Before he could say something Sero already had started talking. ''Never have I ever accidently destroyed something with my quirk.'' Everyone except him put a finger down. Kaminari bounced up and down. ''My turn, my turn. Never have I ever kissed someone more than once. Family doesn't count.'' Bakugou and Kirishima slowly put their fingers down. 

''Never have I ever had yellow eyes.'' Ashido and Kaminari put their fingers down. ''That's focusing! Cheater.'' Ashido huffed. ''You said everything's allowed Mina.'' She huffed again. ''Never have I ever been the class clown.'' Kirishima looked smug as Kaminari and Sero put a finger down. ''If we are going to focus, then screw you guys. Never have I ever been a boy.'' Ashido stuck out her tongue. ''Never have I ever been a girl.'' Sero stuck his tongue out too. Bakugou rolled his eyes at their childish behaviour. ''Never have I ever had black hair.''  Sero and Kirishima put a finger down. ''Never have I ever stolen something.'' Kaminari and Sero put a finger down. ''It was just candy.'' Kaminari huffed. ''Never have I ever smoked.'' Again, Kaminari and Sero. Ashido sighed. ''Mabye we should stop focusing, it's getting boring. Let's go back to the general questions. How many fingers do you guys have left?''

Ashido was winning, with still seven fingers left, Bakugou and Kirishima were tied with both six fingers, Sero had five left and Kaminari was losing with just four fingers. It was Ashido's turn. ''Never have I ever farted and blamed it on someone else.'' Kaminari turned red as he put his finger down. Sero thought for a long time, but suddenly started grinning like an idiot. ''Never have I ever... dreamed about kissing a friend of the same gender.''

That's it for now! Don't worry, there'll be a next part, I just wanted to split this story in two. It'll take some time to finish that, though. School sucks right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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