The Blue Rose

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The blue rose will wither

The bubbling laughter won't lather

Out, My happiness will slither.

My heart is filled with needless litter

The china jar will soon be dry,

My precious blue rose will wither.

My life becomes bitter

I die as time goes by,

Out, my happiness will slither.

Everyone goes about hither thither

Not caring 'bout my rose that will die

Soon, my blue rose will wither.

You can't have a baby-sitter

To watch over me as I lie;

Slowly out, my happiness will slither.

Over my mistakes don't bother

I won't cry as time flies by

Now, my blue rose withers;

Out my happiness slithers.



This is my first constraint poem, a Villanelle. So if you think that this is good, then vote or comment. It would mean a lot :)

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