Part 7 Assessment Test

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Ok so here is the all important assessment test.  I made some adjustments since at this point she had a month training with the guidance of the pros.

Izumi POV

I wake up bright and early. I am so excited that I triple check everything. From my bag to books and protein bars to my uniform. I stand there in the mirror and try to get my hair under control but give up, my deep green hair falling almost halfway down my back.

"Hehe I guess I can only do so much." I say to myself.

I go to breakfast and my mom is sitting at the table. I sit and dig into the breakfast and she looks at me.

"What?" I ask feeling nervous.

"Oh it's that you are growing up so much," she wipes a tear as she gets up and then returns with with my lunch.

"Now I don't know what you'll wind up doing today at school but remember to pace yourself if you can. I'm not saying not to do your best of course." As my mom starts to mumble I smile, it's just one of our shared traits.

Seeing the clock I jump up. "Gotta go mom. Have a good shift at work."

I dash out of the apartment and head to UA.

I'm so excited I nearly bump into Uraraka as I get within a block of the school.

"Oh hi, Deku," she says falling in step with me and the next moment Iida joins us too.

"Oh hi Uraraka. Hi Iida. Are you guys ready for today?" I ask only to have Kaanichan to shove me hard.

"Hey Deku you fucking rushed past me. What? Now that you finally have a couple of friends you're too good to walk to school?" Bakugo yells as he bears down on me.

I blush a little and rub the back of my head for a moment before I look up. I remind myself I did better than him and I'm not the same quiet girl I used to be.

"Sorry, but if you remember correctly I told you I wanted to be here early. Although I guess it will fall to me to wake you when we wind up under the same roof. Besides you have to be up extra early starting next week for our morning run," I tease.

"What?!" Iida And Uraraka yell.
"That is inappropriate for students." Iida bursts in.

"Shut the hell up you four-eyes hentai." Bakugo burst in. "It's not us that are doing that stuff. You think I would get involved with this seaweed headed Deku?"

I smirk and giggle, "Iida, Uraraka it's our moms who are dating remember? They officially told us last night when we walked in on them kissing." I blush at the memory.

I then add behind my hand "His dad's also gay. Of course we knew about it for a while but didn't think it was our place to tell."

As we settled at our desks this weird caterpillar came into the room. When it stood up and pulled the bag off I immediately recognized Aizawwa-sensie from my training. "Listen up you all are to change into your gym clothes and meet out on the athletic field."

Of course Iida jumped up "Excuse me aren't we supposed to be going to orientation?"

"Yeah," a pink haired girl jumped up and chimes in.

"Listen this is UA, do you really think you can become heroes like that. I'm the teacher and if you don't do as I say I'll expel you without thinking twice," he says with such an icy glare we all jump up with a "Hie! Yes sensei."

In the changing room I blush and try not to look too much at the other girls. Uraraka and the pink haired girl who introduces herself as Mina notice my shyness and come over.
"What's the matter Izumi?" Uraraka asks.

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