Blonde Ramen?

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I do not own My Hero Academia nor Naruto . This is a fan project and I'm sorry for the delay

As we say our goodbyes I get pulled into the car. After we get them into the house we share a look and collapse laughing.

"Well it's official sis," Kabro looks at me tired.

"Yep, now maybe people will let up in the rumors about us being a couple despite us both being gay," I say looking up at the ceiling.

"Tch, just grab Rich girl and kiss her for all your worth next time a photographer comes around," Kabro says with a smirk.

I blush a brighter pink than Mina. "You could plant one on Kirishima," I smile looking at him.

"Hey! F**k off!"

Standing I grab a box. "Come on we need to work on packing. I mean they are probably drunk and doing it or collapsed," I say as I start packing stuff away.

I also rummage in the kitchen for a snack. Of course for me that means I wind up making a bowl from some of the leftovers. As I fill a box the world spins. Thankfully the couch is in front of me and I lay down. As I crash I dream.

In the dream I'm bound and I'm fighting against the straps. Even with the new drugs Mr. Handy pumped into my IV I'm awake.

I replay the events from the Sports Festival and wedding and smile.

"Go! Izumi! Go," I cheer through a link.

'Wait I'm Izumi,' I think ,'Ryuzu?'

Then I'm waking and my neck is sore. There is a sound of noise and I look to the kitchen. I smile as I see mom and kamom in the kitchen kissing between tasks.

I walk into the kitchen and get a smile. I rotate my shoulders realizing my arm healed in my sleep. My stomach also is empty as a growl announces its displeasure.

This gets a laugh from everyone and gasp from my mom.

"Izumi, your arm is healed already," she says walking over and tenderly taking my arm.

She pushes up my sleeve. Aside from bruises that almost seem to be fading already my arm feels fine. Kamom looks over as she brings over a large pan of eggs. She dumps a healthy portion on a plate for me and mom uses her Quirk to bring over the breakfast meat.

As I free my arm I help pour out the soup.

"So, the newlywed life agrees with you two. I thought you would still be holed up back in that room until you left for your trip," I say with a smile.

Mom blushes and Kamom laughs. "We have packing to do for the honeymoon and remodel," Kamom says.

"What the F**K? How did you swing getting a remodel," Katsuki yells.

Kamom smiles as he takes a seat. She empties the food on the plate and then hits him with the pan. I gulp and take a forkful of food.

"Mitsuki," mom says as she steps over to hug Katsuki's head. "He's still recovering," she says in reprimand. "If you want to punish him you just squeeze his broken arm in a hug."

He proceeds to wince and struggle. "Owowow," he cries out.

As we finish breakfast I start the dishes. I can hear them in the other rooms packing up boxes. I know my room is going to take time with all the collectibles. As I finish the dishes I walk out and see both moms kissing. Giggling I walk into my room and find Kabro staring at an old notebook.

"Hey nerd, I can't believe you kept this in your Hero notes," he says holding up a page with a smirk.

He shows me a page with both of our autographs. "Kaboom King and Claw'N'Awe."

"Hehe, why not" I ask.

I turn on the music and use my fave Spotify list I thought would work as a Hero soundtrack. (Cue soundtrack from the show) As we pack up my room for everything save the clothes and bedding for the week we plop on the bed.

"We really did that yesterday didn't we," I ask as Kabro smirks.

"Yep, I still don't know how you came up with that costume armor," he says looking at me.

I shrug and look at him flapping my wings a bit. "I don't know. I just thought I could guide the energy across my field like I use my normal energy. Calling it armor just made the most sense."

"Well you know your perverted admirers are going to go up," he says with a smirk.

"Ugh don't remind me. You know we are going to get mobbed," I say with a groan.

"Hehe didn't you say you want to be Number 1? you better get used it," he says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes as my phone buzzes. Tons of messages flood my phone from the news outlets. Then I get a message from All Might.

Get your brother and meet me at the beach- Yagi

I show Kabro the message and smile.

"Hey hags you can go back to the bedroom to f**k for a bit. Zuzu and I are going to see All Might and get dinner," Kabro yells out.

As we slip out I know the way. As we walk down to the beach we are getting looks. We hear whispers and more than one person starts to approach then decides against it. I think Kabro is shooting looks at them.

When we get down to the beach All Might is there in his full form and he smiles.

"That was wonderfully done you two," he says wrapping both of us in hug. "I think that said pretty clearly 'I AM HERE' for both of you."

"Wow is that All Might?" Someone calls out.

"Yeah and he's with the number one and two first years from the Sports Festival."

"Wow All Might, Howitzer and Ryudoke?"

"No you idiot it's Ryuhime."

"Is not she's Ryukishi."

"Kids lets get out of here," All Might says as he grabs our hands.

The next thing we know we are dodging down allies until we slide up to a small door. The door says Ichiraku Ramen. All Might opens the door.

"Hey Yagi, this your niece and nephew," the owner says as he looks over his shoulder.

"Yep, meet Izumi and Katsuki," All Might says as he pats our shoulders deflated.

"Well take the door and get a seat the only other one here is Naru," the chef says.

"Oi, hey Yagi," a blonde haired woman in a suit with a distinctive orange scarf says.

As she eats her second bowl of ramen, she looks us up and down.

"Nice to finally put a face to the names. Yagi has been telling us stories of you for a while. My partner is out of town for a conference so I decided to slip down for some ramen," she says with a smirk holding up a finger to her lips.

"Heh, pick whatever you two want. That goes for you Izumi. I let the owner know to have a super big batch for you," All Might says.

My stomach rumbles and the woman looks over. "Hehe I guess I'm not the only one with an appetite," she says as she puts down another bowl.


I can't believe how good the ramen is and he has a special one filled with pork katsudon he made in honor of me. I blush when I see the menu and the a wink from Naru.

"You know it means he sees potential in you if you make the menu," she says with a wink.

As she finishes her bowl she slides her card onto the counter. "Put theirs on my tab too, from one big eater to the next Ms. Next Number One," she says leaving.

"Tch, she must be loaded," Kabro says with a smirk.

"Hehe I hope so. She is the CEO of Konoha Industries," the chef says as he takes the card and smiles. (Yes I'm going full on the Naruto references)

After we eat, All Might calls us a cab and sends us home with orders for the lovebirds. As we leave the chef calls out, "Don't forget kids I'll deliver too."

I know this is a shorter chapter but I had fun writing it and wanted to share.

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