The Tunnel

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"So what are you gonna do when you find me?" Sam asks.

Dean lets out a controlled breath, his eyes fixed on the path ahead of him as he follows the signs to The Carnival. After a beat, he replies, "I'm going to save you and bring you home."

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to kill her."

"So have you figured out how yet? Do you even know what she is?"

Dean hasn't and he doesn't, and he hesitates to answer. Sam gives him a look, at once both helpless and accusatory, and Dean sees there's blood crusting on the side of his head. It makes his pulse quicken, so he swallows and blinks. When he opens his eyes again, the blood is gone, but Sam's still giving him that look. He's completely dependent on his big brother to rescue him. Dean sighs guiltily and answers. "I don't know, Sammy. But I'll figure it out and come get you. I promise."

Sam says nothing.

Dean stops walking for a moment to draw a deep breath and rub at his eyes. He's not hallucinating. He knows Sam's not really there, but his imagination sees fit to conjure him up anyway: the double edged sword of giving him someone to talk to and making him more anxious. He needs his brother beside him on a hunt. Sam should be here to have his back, make banter with him, someone to bounce ideas off... Instead, his brother's lost somewhere out there in the silence. It makes Dean's pulse thump harder just to contemplate it.

Dean shakes his head and resumes walking again. Don't think of Sam. He can't afford to let his mind run away with images of what torments his brother's enduring; all he needs to focus on is the immediate task ahead. His heartbeat's unnervingly making its presence known again, but he tries to stay calm as he finally passes under the archway that's welcoming him to the The Carnival.

A long time ago, the region probably did a decent job of emulating the feel of a travelling funfair. There's the towering shapes of a Helter Skelter and Ferris Wheel off to Dean's left, while the archway immediately leads into a cluster of attractions arranged in a square. A carousel and a few picnic tables occupy the central space, while opposite Dean can identify the Ghost Train and a coconut shy underneath layers of grime and graffiti.

He passes the carousel, the flaking paint of candy stripes and gold telling of faded hope and happier times that have long since died. The horses look almost monstrous now; all bulging eyes and bared teeth, and Dean feels a shiver run down his spine. He walks past hurriedly, the darkened entrance to the Tunnel of Love opening up on his right. The Fun House isn't far, just 100 yards away across the square, yet Dean can't help the way his eyes are drawn to the gaping heart-shaped aperture beside him, feet slowing as it almost seems to suck him in. It's dark inside. Whatever lies beyond the opening is hidden from view. Could it be that they've taken Sam here...?

A gust of wind blows past him, and Dean hears a crackle over the speakers hanging above the entrance. He braces himself, pleading with his heart to stay calm, but instead of the cold voice he'd anticipated, the PA begins to play music. The sound is tinny, hollow.

Heaven, I'm in Heaven
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...

Dean shivers. Of all the possible songs, it had to be that one.

He swallows hard and turns away, thinking the whole thing seems too much like a trap to risk heading into the tunnel, but then a voice cuts over Frank Sinatra's crooning. "What's the matter, Dean? Afraid of the dark?"

He freezes, heart suddenly right back in his throat as he slowly turns his head to stare at the speaker. Of course, there's nothing important to see. "No. Just think I'd rather be searching for my brother than walking into a trap."

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