Interlude I.

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Everything is dark. A dense fog has settled on Sam's brain, making every thought seem heavy and sluggish as it tries to form. His head feels like it's been hit by a sledgehammer. If the sporadic flashes of memory returning to him are true, then that doesn't seem so far off the mark. Case...amusement park...clowns...Dean...


That's the thought that forces its way past everything else to the front of his mind. What happened to his brother? Is he alright?

Sam tries to call out, but the only sound that leaves his lips is a moan. His head swims.

"There, there, Sammy." A voice hits his ears, cold and harsh, and it's like fingernails raking down the inside of his skull. "Don't worry, your brother's doing so well. He has a strong heart and he's being such a good sport..."

That draws another moan from Sam's throat, confusion and fear taking tight hold. His fists clench, but his limbs feel too weak and heavy to move. His heart flutters in panic.

"Shhhh..." Something cold touches his forehead. His eyelids strain to crack open, and he thinks he sees a shape: blurry, maybe humanoid, mostly lost in the shadows. He hears the dripping of a leaky faucet.

"You're a big boy, Sam. Lots of blood to drain," the voice says again, closer to his ear. "I think you have some time left yet." His vision still swims as he tries to focus. He thinks he sees tubes surrounding him, filled with red. A needle in an IV port...

"But we can't have you waking up too much now."

Pain suddenly sears behind his eyes, and he groans again, this time louder. His nerves feel like they're on fire.

"Go back to sleep..."

Fortunately, the pain is only shortlived as his eyelids slip closed and unconsciousness creeps up to claim him once again.

To The Beat Of The Devil's Drums [Supernatural]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt