ʟᴀᴜɴᴅʀʏ ᴅᴀʏ | Popular! Jealous! Norman x Childhood friend! reader

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You had known each other for eleven years. For a while, you two were inseparable. He was friends with everyone, but you still felt special. But now, you weren't as close as before, as he had attached himself to Emma and Ray. That was fine, though. You had Don and Gilda now.

"Hey! [Name]!" Don yelled, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Are you gonna just stand there, or help us with laundry?"

Gilda hung up another shirt before cutting in. "She is helping. She's washing the shirts. Without her, you'd have no shirts to hang."

Don fell silent after that, and the small group of children helping started laughing. You couldn't help but join in. 


Norman sat with Emma and Ray, watching the former tell stories to the kids. Then he heard a commotion come from the ones in charge of drying the clothes. And there you were. Sitting next to the tub of water, laughing at something Don said. He couldn't help but wish it was him making you laugh instead.

"Hey, Norman. How long're you gonna stare at her?" Ray nudged his side. Emma nodded.

His face flushed. He didn't realize he was staring! He didn't mean to!

'Ring! Ring!'

Mama came out, ringing the bell, signalling it was time to get ready for dinner.

'Saved by the bell... phew...'


"Thanks for the food!"

You sat at the same table as him,  yet didn't address him once. You were too busy listening to Don's story. Gilda sat on the other side of him, head in her hands.

"- and then I grabbed Conny, Little Bunny, Phil, and Sherry, and ran!"

"Don, it was just you and Conny. And you didn't even pick her up. She followed you out of the forest." Gilda corrected him.

"GILDA! Don't interrupt my story!", whined Don. 

"Anyway," He turns to you. "That's the only time I've almost won tag."

A small laugh slips past your lips. 

"[Name], can I speak to you?" Norman glances at Don. "Alone?"

You nod.

'I wonder what he needs?'


He had never been so nervous. It was almost curfew, and Mama would have his head if he wasn't in bed by ten.

And he was meeting you.

You had to go put the younger ones to bed before you could come downstairs, and the wait just made him even more nervous. Shaking his head, he tried to clear his head. He just wants to talk. It's not like he's telling you that everyone who's been adopted is dead, right? Yeah, that'd never happen.

He glances down the hall. Where were you?

"Hey Norman."

Oh no.


"Hey Norman."

You watch him freeze, before whipping around to greet you. Quite the sight, really. He takes a deep breath.

"What does he have that I don't?"

Your eyes widen. Was he... jealous? Of who? Don?

"Are you... jealous? Of Don?" You ask. His face goes red.

"Wh- Me? Jealous? Of him? Noooo, not at all!" Norman waves his hands in front of his face. He pauses.



Oh god.

His life was over. He wanted to curl up and die right then and there.

"He's just a friend." He hoped you didn't feel that way about him, too.

"You, on the other hand," He crossed his fingers.

"I've known you longer." Oh god dammit. Is that all he was to you? Just a childhood friend?

"Though I wouldn't mind being something more."

His face got darker, if that was even possible. The [Name], wanted to be more than friends. With him.

He felt like he was going to faint.


What have you done?! You broke him! You try waving your hand in front of his face, call his name, poke his cheek- which feels like burning coals-, nothing gets him to respond.

'Did I kill him?'

Well, there's one thing you haven't tried yet. Let's hope it doesn't break him even more.

You lean over, and try to kiss his cheek, but at the last second, he turns.



Reality hits you like a speeding ice cream truck.

You missed. But, it seemed like he was fine with it?


He did it. Though it could've been better, he still accomplished his goal.

He kissed you.

But it didn't last long. You pulled away way too early.

"I-I'm sorry! I was just going for your cheek, I swear! Pl- mmph?!"

He cut you off by kissing you again.

"You're too loud. And you wonder why I always catch you in tag?"

He starts going upstairs.


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