Keep Me Insane With Your Steady Heartbeat | Jackson Rathbone | 2

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My mandatory classes where over fairly early; I didn't have to even attend most of them because my professors had told me I could just check the online notes. I took the amount of free time I had to go to work.

Stumbling up to my dorm room, I reached into my pocket to unlock the door before slipping inside. Sara wasn't there, as usual, and I quickly made myself a sandwich with some items laying around in my mini fridge. I sat down on my bed and grabbed a bottle of water along with my laptop that I had brought to class with me. In a multitasking trance, I took a bite of my sandwich and typed away at my keyboard; sending a simple message to my parents about how my day had gone.

Myparents always worried about me and would constantly call, text, and email me almost every five hours. Most would say that it got annoying after two days, but I didn't really mind. I appreciated their concern.

After finishing my sandwich, I closed my laptop and put it underneath my bed while I grabbed my uniform and shoved it into my purse. With a sigh, I quickly ran my fingers threw my hair and walked back down the stairs and out to my bike. Again, I decided that walking would do me good so I shrugged and continued on my way without stopping.

It was fairly warm outside, so my assumptions on a walk being nice were ultimately correct. It didn't take me more than twenty minutes to get there, and bright red letters reading, "Mrs. Dye's" greeted me happily.

AsI entered the shop, a tiny bell rang out above my head and my co-worker, Jenny, called out, "Welcome to - Oh, hi Selena."

"Hi." I greeted, almost grimacing at the sweet scent of the shop that immediately filled my nostrils.

Wordlessly, I headed into the restroom to change into my uniform that really only consisted of a blue shirt, an apron, shorts and white gloves that I had mentioned earlier for certain reasons.

I leaned my elbow against a counter that displayed numerous types of cakes. Raising an eyebrow at Jenny, I asked, "Busy day, huh?"

She grinned, answering with just as much sarcasm as she tossed her red hair over her shoulder, "Yeah, you wouldn't even believe it! Some guy crowd surfed through the tons of people and jumped the counter with a gun. He demanded cakes and I mean, seriously, what kind of robber steals cakes instead of money?"

I laughed to humor her, "I dunno. But I don't think you should be saying things like that so loudly..." I trailed off and discreetly glanced around to see people perking their heads up at the words 'gun' and 'robber'.

Jenny laughed loudly, covering her mouth with a dainty hand as she said, "I guess you're right."

We chatted about mindless things while a few customers came and left, leaving reasonable tips I would suppose.

I found Jenny to be an interesting person to talk to, and really just an interesting person in general. She was very nice, and I would constantly tell her how she wasn't afraid to do anything. She was very outgoing and she made me feel accepted even though she was very popular and had a lot of friends. I was thankful that even when we weren't working, she would come around to say hello and hang out every once in a while.

She was 20, like me, but she was taller than me and very nonchalant despite her outgoing-ness. She didn't care what people thought about her and she would openly act crazy just for the heck of it. I thought it was funny, personally, but to others her humor was not really appreciated.

"Hey, Selena," Jenny said suddenly, looking at me with a serious expression. "Have you ever felt like... I don't know, changing yourself to make it seem like you were really hurting inside, just to see if someone would care enough to ask you if you were alright?"

Keep Me Insane With Your Steady Heartbeat | Jackson Rathbone | Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat