Keep Me Insane With Your Steady Heartbeat | Jackson Rathbone | 4

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Jenny came over to the shop some time later on, and I nearly shouted at her for taking her sweet old time. I suppose I was just a bit paranoid about what had happened earlier...

"Sheesh, calm down. You act like someone raped you or something."

"Someone did!"



"Exactly. So calm down, okay?" Jenny cast me one of her overly chipper smiles and jumped over the counter to start baking some fresh things; cookies I supposed.

I mumbled to myself and leaned against the counter as another customer came in.


Jenny and I were having a rather slow day; only about ten people including Jackson had stopped by. My beloved co-worker was sitting on a table top fumbling with a bag of flour. I was making myself a cup of coffee with a particularly bored expression on my face.

"Look, Selena! I made a flower! Ha, I made a flower out of flour!" Jenny exclaimed, looking up at me with her bright eyes.

I glanced at her 'masterpiece' dully. "Cool."

She frowned, "Well don't you sound enthusiastic."

"...It's just a flower, Jenny."

"No it's not! It could have deep meaning or something! Seriously! I bet if I went on Google or something, it would give me some deep, detailed result!"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose tentatively, "Jenny."

"Stop being so mean. Why are you acting like this today?" she mumbled the last part under her breath, hoping I wouldn't hear.

I shuddered as memories from a few hours ago came flooding back, "You don't want to know."

I nearly spilled my now finished coffee when Jenny appeared next to me, "What the hell, Jenny?!"

"Oooh," she said dreamily, ignoring my reaction to her disappearance act. "Is it a boy?"

I blushed furiously, pulling my coffee from my lips just as I was about to take a sip, "NO!"

"So defensive," my coworker chided, grinning mischievously. "It is a boy!"

I shook my head back and forth frantically, "No! It's not! I swear!"

"It obviously is."

"Well, it's not."

"Yes it is."



"I said no, Jenny!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever you say, darling." She waved her hand dismissively, still smirking.

I glowered as her, stomping over to the other end of the aisle that was a sad excuse for working space and took a big gulp of coffee. I glared at her from across the room, knowing that she would undoubtedly bring it up later. With a dreamy sigh, I sprayed whip cream on the surface of the brown drink before shrugging and spraying the entire contents of the half-empty (Oh, pessimist) whip cream bottle into my mouth.

I probably looked like a ridiculous freak, but no one was around to see it, so I didn't care. Well, except Jenny, that is. She looked at me disapprovingly and shook her head back and forth, "That's disgusting."

"You're disgusting," I shot back, mumbling as I still attempted to swallow that whip cream that had settled into my mouth.

After I managed to successfully swallow the delicious cream, I took another large gulp of coffee and sighed, leaning against the counter as the wonderful smell filled my nose. Jenny was still sending me disapproving glances. I smiled at her innocently, wiping coffee off of my lips with the back of my glove-covered hand.

Keep Me Insane With Your Steady Heartbeat | Jackson Rathbone | Where stories live. Discover now