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"Hey Jacob"

"So what's up? Here, lets talk at my house" he said as we walked to his car.

On the way to his house, he held my hand. When we got there, his parents were asleep so we creeped up to his room and shut the door behind us. We sat on his bed closely, he grabbed my hands, and held them on his lap.

"Are you ok?" He said and kissed my hand.

"Y..yea..no" I said and started to tear up.

"C'mon, you came to me for a reason. What is wrong beautiful?" He said quietly.

"Jc won't leave me alone, and I don't want Sam to have to fight with him because they're all best friends. I would never wanna be the person to ruin that. I feel like ever since I came in the picture, they've all grown apart. It's all my fault."

"Dont blame yourself! If they make it to where a girl keeps them apart, then there fault! Don't be so hard on yourself! Please"

We talked for about 10 more minutes, then went to bed.

"Um well, goodnight....Cub" I said as I slowly walked over to the couch in the corner of the room. I  was carrying a blanket.

He could tell I was uncomfortable, "yah know, I don't mind if you sleep with me up here. But it's totally up to you" he smiled.

"Butt head" I smirked at him and walked over to the side of the bed.

I crawled onto the bed UN-creepily, and played down. I was on the very edge, facing the wall, trying to give him space.

After about 5 minutes, he rolled over and wrapped his arm around my waist, then grabbed my hand.

He's so cute.


I woke up, and Jacob was still asleep. He was so adorable the way he slept. I looked at my phone, and checked the time. 6. Pretty early. So I crawled back into the bed, and went back to sleep.

When I woke back up, Jacob was playing with my hair.

"Morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" He said.

"Very well. And you?" I replied with a smile.

"Same" he smiled back.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I don't really wanna go anywhere, because I don't wanna be seen by any friends besides you, so, I think I'll call Sam and yeah.."

"Ok you call Sam, and since my parents are at work until tonight, we can just mess around here all day. Sounds good?" He said excitedly.

"Yeah sounds good"

I called Sam and the other end quickly picked up.

"Oh my gosh Julia are you ok? Where are you? I need to come get-" I cut him off.

"Sam. I'm ok. I promise. I'm just going to stay at a friend's house for a few days. I will be back soon. I left because I needed a break. "

"You should come back sooner, please! And I know why you left. You left because of Jc. Well, he doesn't live with us anymore...."he said as my mouth dropped open.

"And he's not in O2L anymore either." Sam said and sounded happy.



HEY GUYS! So I'm sorry to leave you with a cliffhanger/filler, butttt I have some crazy ideas for the story. Sooo stay tuned!

ILYGSFM!!!! MUAH <3!!!

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