Chapter [6]: Pass of Time

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[Colby's POV]

I knocked on Brennen's room door before entering. "Hey B-Brennen?" "What?" He said as he squirted some cologne. "I-I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I shouldn't have said these things, but I-I was angry. No on deserves to be insulted or picked on like that. I truly do apologize." I said as I played with my sleeves, looking at the ground.

"It's okay. If I'm being honest, that was slightly bad ass." He said chuckling lightly, as he observed his clothes. They were slightly out of color. I walked into his closet and came back with a red-ish pink-ish shirt, that had a hood with short sleeves, and added a black pair of ripped jeans with some black shoes.

"Try these instead." I said as I handed him the clothes and placing the shoes on the ground. He took off his shirt, replacing it with the one I chose and changed his pants as I turned around. "What's the occasion?" I asked curiously.

"I'm going to a party held in my friends mansion. What you gonna do?" He said as he buckled his shoelaces. "I'm not sure. Sam is out having dinner with his family, and mom has a nightly shift, therefore I'm home alone for tonight." I said sadly. "Sucks to be you then." He said laughing as he ran out to meet his friends.

"I wonder why he doesn't like me." I mumbled as I walked out.

It's currently nighttime and I wanted to go for a walk, so I grabbed a hoodie and some sandwiches as I walked out, locking the door after me. I wrote a note, saying I was out for a walk, and placed it on the counter before I left the house.

I shoved the keys into my pocket and put my bag over my shoulders as I was off.

I reached the park, when I saw an old man holding a sign saying I don't ask for much, a small amount is all I ask for. He was wearing ripped clothes, and a hat as well as worn out shoes.

I remembered the food in my bag, and I decided that he needs it more than I do. I walked over slowly so I won't startle him, and took out the sandwiches that were neatly wrapped in tinfoil wraps.

"Here you go sir. These are for you, you deserve them more than I do." I said politely as I handed him the sandwiches, smiling. "Oh thank you sonny, but I can't just take your food." He said as he held out the sandwiches, so I can take them back.

"You're not taking them from me, I'm offering them to you, and I insist really." I said as I gently pushed them back, sending him another small smile. "Thank you, you've been raised well." He said as he shed a few tears of happiness.

"May I ask you a question?" I asked politely as I watched him carefully take a bit of his sandwich. "Go ahead." He said after chewing. "Okay. I don't mean to offend you, but can you read?" I asked softly and once again politely. "You didn't offend me don't worry. And yes I still can. Why do you ask?" He said in a slightly cracked voice.

"Okay I'll be right back." I said as I ran to the house, unlocking the door, and running upstairs.

I went to my bookshelf, and grabbed one of my favorite books. I ran back to the old man  who looked at me confused. "This is one of my favorite books, passed down by my father, and I want you to read it. If you're interested of course. I read when I feel bored, or just to pass time." I said as I handed him the book.

"I was quite like you, in my younger age. Quiet, kind, and my passion was reading as well. I thank you again. May God bless your beautiful young soul. Now head back home, it's seems to be really late." He said as he shook my hand thankfully.

"A little thought and a little kindness, are often worth a lot more than money."

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