Chapter [13]: Realization

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[Sam's POV]

Colby and I have been hanging a lot these past few days, and I think I have feelings for him. I now always feel flustered when I'm around him and I feel like butterflies are just roaming around in my stomach. I'm bisexual, and thought I truly loved Katrina and that she was the one for me. But I was wrong. Katrina's a very sweet person and I'm sure she'd find someone other than me. Someone right for her. For, I came to the realization that Colby is the one for me. Colby is the one I truly love. Not Katrina.

I'm currently laying on my bed, staring at the chipped ceiling of my room as I thought of the situation I'm in. "Should I just come out? He'll accept me right? What if doesn't feel the same?" I thought to myself and intertwined my fingers together as I placed them on my stomach.

I looked to my right and the alarm indicated 12:49 am. I should get some rest. I feel like tomorrow'll be a long ass day. "On the bright side I'll see Colby." I said to myself before closing my eyes and drifting away.


"Morning Sammy!" Colby said cheerfully as he got on the bus and sat by me. "Morning." I said groggily as I moved my bag to make space for him. "Well someone's in a cheery mood." He said chuckling. I just smiled weakly for I was still very exhausted.

"What do you have for first hour?" He asked as he looked at his schedule.

[Colby's POV]

"I have History. How b'out you?" He asked. "I have art. I guess I'll see you at lunch time then?" "Yea. Sure." He replied simply. I wonder what's up with him. I'll confront him at lunch. Little did I know, that that won't be happening.

The bell rang indicating class is starting soon. I pushed through the herd of students until I reached my locker. Before I opened it, I noticed the word "Fag." spray painted on the outside. I sighed as I looked to my right, and was met with a group of jocks.

"Hey nerdy." Katrina said as she shut my locker door, almost slamming it on my fingers. I sighed and said carefully "H-hey, Katrina." "I'm gonna need you to back off of Sam. I see how you look at him all lovey-dovey. He's mine and doesn't even like you. Said it himself. So back off or else pretty boy gets it. Bad." She said as she pointed her thumb in the direction of Sam who was pulling out his unneeded books and replacing it with the necessaries.

"B-But he's my best friend. I can't just neglect him. T-that's unfair." I said sadly as I was now facing her. She grabbed the collar of my shirt and pushed me against the lockers. "Listen clearly Cole. You will back off, or you'll get an even worse beating and I'll make sure Sam's life is a living hell. Got it?" She growled as she shoved my chest. I winced at the pain as my eyes glossed.

"Got. It?" She repeated through gritted teeth as she stared daggers at me. "Y-Yes... I g-got it." I said as I sniffled and looked at the ground. "Good boy." She said as she patted my face before leaving. I slid down my locker as I cried into my hands. I love him. I can't just hurt his heart like that. It's unfair. But if it'll keep him safe then so be it.

I walked into my next class, thankfully not getting a tardy.


I had just finished my first four classes and it's now lunch time. I walked out to the bleachers, when I saw Sam frowning as Katrina talks to him. What is she saying to him? He nodded disappointedly before meeting my eyes. He shook his head in disappointment before leaving with Katrina and her group. Whatever she had said to him, I know cost us our friendship.

I watched as he had the biggest smile ever plastered on his face as he wrapped an arm around Katrina's shoulder whilst laughing with the others. I just stood there, playing with the tips of my fingers, as a single tear slipped down my face. I looked at the ground as I walked away, coming across groups and groups of people smiling and enjoying their time. Even the bullied were having the time of their lives.

I sat alone. Once again. "What did she say to him?" Was all I was wondering. I think I lost the love of my life as well as my best friend.

I'm gay and hadn't come out to anyone other than my family. They accepted gays, transgenders, bisexuals, you name it. "Love knows no limits." Was what my brother had told me. Once I had come out, they simply smiled. They were happy that I came out to them and that I was fine with who I am. They treated me normally like nothing's wrong. Which there wasn't. There's never something wrong in being different. Never. Be yourself and yourself only. Don't change for anyone.

Hope you enjoyed this one!

"Love comes in different ways."

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