Chapter Sixteen

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Alan drug me by my hand through LAX airport. It was ten in the morning and my head was still throbbing from all the wine I had drank the night before. I sighed in relief as we finally came to a halt in front of one of the gates.

"I can't wait for you to meet Austin! Alan shouted excitedly.

I cringed and furrowed my brows. "Alan I feel like a dying cat."

"Awe. Does my baby have her first hangover? You should have told me before we left, I would have gotten you some Advil."

"Alan, you barely even let me get dressed before you drug me out the door."

"I'm sorry. I'm sure Austin will have something and you'll feel much better once you get some food in your belly."

"Alan!" A tall tattooed guy yelled coming out of the doors. Alan smiled wildly and embraced his best friend in a rather homosexual looking way. I laughed slightly and shook my head as they fangirled over each other.

They finally pulled away from each other and Alan put his arm around my waist. "Austin meet Genevieve."

"Holy shit. Are you and Ryan twins?"

I blushed and shifted against Alan, suddenly feeling shy. "Um no... We're like five years apart."

"Well if he put a wig on you two would be identical."

"Thanks... I guess?" I said awkwardly.

"Do you need to get your luggage?" Alan asked lacing his fingers with mine.

"Nope," Austin said patting his bag. "I only brought this."

"Uh do you happen to have any advil in there?"

"Sure do. Let's get to the car and I'll dig it out for you."

I nodded and lead the way back out to the parking lot to find my car. "Alan where did we park?"

"Fuck, I think it was over here," he said dragging me to the next row of cars. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and hit the lock button a few times. Sure enough my car came into sight.

"Holy shit. You drive a fucking black on black WRX?" Austin gawked at my car walking around it a few times.

"Isn't she just beautiful?" Alan chimed in. "I keep saying that I'm going to keep it."

"Kay boys, reattach your jaws, get in the car, and for the love of god, somebody please get me some advil.

I got in and impatiently turned on the ignition. Good thing the back of my car is spacious so Austin had no trouble fitting in.

"Oh my fucking god. It's standard too? You have to let me drive sometime."

"If you find me some advil I will let you drive back to Alan's after we eat."

We pulled into Texas Roadhouse upon Austin's request. He handed me a bottle of Advil and I quickly dry swallowed three of them and handed the bottle back to him. "Now I just need food and I'll stop being so miserable."

We went inside and the guys picked out their steaks while we waited to be seated.

"Smile buttercup," Alan said leaving a soft kiss on my lips. I returned his request with a cheeky grin.

Finally the hostess introduced us to our waiter and he lead us back to a booth. Austin and alan both ordered beers and I ordered a Shirley Temple like the cool kid I am.

"How old are you," Austin asked as the waiter walked away.

"I'm nin... I mean twenty. That sounds weird."

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