Chapter 19

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          Heatherkit struggled to get up, but couldn’t. Her sister Hawkkit had her pinned to the ground as her claws dug into her shoulders.

          Heatherkit winced in pain.

          “Kill her, the faster she dies the better. Then the Clan cats won’t know what we are up to,” Wildkit sneered.

          Hawkkit grinned. She hissed at Heatherkit.

          “Hawkkit, stop it! It’s me, you sister,” Heatherkit called out, begging her sister to stop.

          “Silence you kit,” Hawkkit hissed into Heatherkit’s ear.

          Heatherkit screamed for help.

          Hawkkit put her paw over Heatherkit’s mouth to shut her up, so Heatherkit bit her sisters paw pad and Hawkkit screamed moving it away from her mouth.

          Heatherkit wiggled her way out, and used her back legs to push Hawkkit off her. Blood dripped down her shoulders and plaster onto her brown pelt. Once Hawkkit was off of Heatherkit, she scurried up onto her feet before one of her sisters leaped onto her again.

          This time, she dodged.

          Heatherkit panted, still feeling exhausted. Blood was stained onto Hawkkit’s claws. Heatherkit took a step back and Wildkit came towards her, along with Hawkkit.

          “Leave me alone,” Heatherkit begged backing up.

          Hawkkit laughed, but her voice turned into a deep evil sound.

          “Get her,” she then said, sounding all evil like.

          Wildkit ran up to her, and then she was followed by a group of shadowy evil looking cats which were led by both Hawkkit and Wildkit. Heatherkit screamed and tuned around to continue running.

          When Heatherkit turned her head around, she stopped frozen in her tracks.

          The shadow cats were gone. What, they were here a second ago. Heatherkit thought and tilted her head in confusion.

          Hawkkit and Wildkit still looked angry.

          “Heatherkit,” a female voice said. Ambertail then faded in front of her with a cream colored cat.

          “Hello Heatherkit, I am Sweetpelt, Ambertail’s sister,” the cream colored cat said and nodded her head to the kit.

          “We are here to help, let us handle your sisters,” Ambertail said and growled.

          “Yes, they are being possessed by Dark Forest cats,” Sweetpelt then added in.

          Heatherkit nodded and crouched down behind a bush.

          She watched as Ambertail and Sweetpelt fought with her sisters, slashing their shiny claws at them and biting them…Hawkkit and Wildkit didn’t look hurt, but at the same time, they did, which was strange for Heatherkit to see.

          Wildkit and Hawkkit soon collapsed onto the ground, and looked…dead. She then saw cats…dark shadowy evil looking cats rise from Hawkkit’s and Wildkit’s bodies.

          No, they are dead!

          Heatherkit quickly runs up to Ambertail and Sweetpelt. “What did you do to them? They are dead, I saw their spirits rise, you killed them,” Heatherkit wailed. Before she could say more, Sweetpelt puts her tail over Heatherkit’s mouth shushing her.

          “They are not dead young one, just asleep. But when they wake up, they’ll be back to their normal selves,” Sweetpelt said and began to fade away.

          “Thank you,” Heatherkit said and dipped her head down.

          When she looked back up, Sweetpelt was gone and Ambertail was left.

          “Be strong young one, I’ll see you soon,” Ambertail said and faded away.

          Heatherkit padded up to her sisters and nudged them awake.

          Hawkkit was the first to get up. Her eyes looked normal and so did everything else. “Hey, what happened?” she asked.

          “I’ll explain later, first let’s get Wildkit up,” Heatherkit said and pressed her paw against the white kits chest.

          Wildkit scurried up onto her feet. “What happened?” she asked. “Where are we? What’s going on?”

          “Calm down, you are asking way too many questions,” Heatherkit said looking over to Wildkit. “You safe, that’s all that’s important at the moment,” Heatherkit said reassuring her sisters.

          Wildkit nodded along with Hawkkit.

          “But, can you at least tell me what happened?” Wildkit slowly asked.

           Heatherkit sighed. “Well, you were possessed by Dark Forest cats, almost tried to kill me, and then Ambertail and her sister Sweetpelt came to take out the evil spirits that were inside of you,” Heatherkit said summing everything up.

          “What, oh my great StarClan, I’m so sorry Heatherkit!” Hawkkit said.

          “It’s okay, but we should get to camp,” Heatherkit said starting to turn around.

          The three kits make their way back to camp, trying their best to stay hidden.

          “What are you three doing out there?” Firestar asked.

          “Firestar, we have some news to tell you,” Wildkit said and entered the camp. Hawkkit followed her along with Heatherkit.

          “Well, what is it?” Firestar asked and the three kits explained everything that happened.

          After they explain everything, Heatherkit realizes that every cat in the Clan has been listening.

          “I believe you,” Firestar said. “We will be sure to watch out, now, get some sleep. You three must be exhausted.”

           Heatherkit nods along with her sisters and they padded to the nursery to get some sleep.

           “Good night you two,” Heatherkit said and goes to sleep.

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