S3>90: Len Town; Yuna's Second Pokémon Contest

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Meant to post this chapter on Sunday but didn't finish it on time. Okay, a heads up on the wordings might be the same as the first Contest because most Contest are the same expect for the wordings. Hope you don't mind. Also I'll try to post another chapter on Saturday or Sunday!

>> ——— [Break Scene] ——— <<

Today is the day, Len Town Pokémon Contest. Audience and coordinators were all gathered up in the Contest Hall.

The gang and Cherry were seated in the front row.

Cherry was excited, "This is my first time seeing a contest." She said.

"Really?" Mairin questioned.

Cherry nodded, "Yes, even if the event is held, I've never really found a reason to see it." She explained.

"Ah, it's not your type." Brock said.

"Yes. I'm eager to see."

"I'm sure you'll enjoy it then." A familiar/ unfamiliar voice spoke up from beside Alain.

Cherry, Mairin, Takato and Brock all blinked and turned their head to the left and saw a bright yellow hair teen beside Alain.

"Volkner!" Mairin, Takato and Brock gawked, at the sudden appearance of the Sunyshore Gym Leader.

"It's been awhile." Volkner gave a small smile.

"It's has." Takato smiled brightly at him.

"How have you been?" Brock asked his fellow Gym Leader.

"Good, expect for some problem of fangirls and boring challengers." Volkner answered in a bored tone.

Mairin and Takato laughed at that.

Alain had a small amused smile, when he heard that.

Brock sweat dropped, "I see." He said.

"Who is he?" Cherry asked, curiously.

"Oh right. Cherry meet Volkner Denzi, he a Gym Leader from the Sinnoh Region." Brock answered.

"And nee-chan other boyfriend." Takato added.

Cherry blinked twice, she knew that Yuna has two boyfriends but she only met Alain and now her second mystery boyfriend. "Nice to meet you." She greeted.

Volkner gave a nod, "Same here." He said.

Mairin smiled, "Ah, Yuffie." She said, spotting the 'Eevee' on the Sunyshore Gym Leader lap. "Hello~"

"Eevui!" Yuffie smiled.

• • • • •

In the back of the Contest Hall, in the lobby room, held all the Coordinators who are going to participate in the Len Town Pokémon Contest.

Yuna slightly yawned.

"Pika Pika." Light patted her partners head, gently.

• • • • •

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Johto Pokémon Contest here in Len Town the town of Psychic Pokémon!" The MC of Johto Pokémon Contest announced, "Thank you for all your patience! I'm your MC, Elian Meridian!"

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