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On the date October 3, 1999 the Rosilina family gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Every parent says their kid is special, but for their girl Elsa she was truly special. When Elsa turned exactly two months old her parents had another baby girl named Annabelle. They welcomed little Annabelle Catherine Rosilina on December 3, 1999.

As the two sisters got older Elsa only grew with perfection. Her facial features were flawless. She had a brilliant shade of dark blue eyes. They even twinkled when she would stare at the night sky. Her lips made it look like she wore pink lipstick. Fair skin is what brought out her blonde hair with natural white highlights.

After an incident happens the sisters separated. Elsa chose the path to mature early and learn to take care of herself. The major problem was keeping what her parents helped her control stay in control. She couldn't help it, her emotions took control. She would practice controlling it until one day she decided she needed to pick a high school.

Elsa only wants her life to take the turn to being normal, but to be honest this is only the beginning....

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