iii. friend

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She asked me out on a date about a week ago. So, she is my friend. Yeah, she is my friend. She listens to me, and talks to me, I guess.

No Harry ask her.

Of course. Of course. I should ask her, I mean how hard could it be, all I need to do is say; Luna, are you my friend?

That sounds like you're in kindergarten Harry. I haven't had a friend since I was 7 so I really don't know how to make friends.

"Just do it," I breathed. (a:n - HA Nike.)

I opened and closed my door maybe about fifty times contemplating whether or not to go talk to her.

I decided I should so I knocked on her door and paced in front of the door impatiently.

"Why are you here?" Wow. Rude.

"Oh, um, I just wanted to ask you, uh, if you were my friend. Becauseyouknowyouarenicetomeandyoudefendmesometimesandyoureprettyso please say yes," She was confused, I could tell, she was probably processing what I had just said.

"Well..." Here we go, I'm going to be rejected again, and I'll be forever alone.

"You haven't boughten me frozen yogurt, so I believe our friendship may not proceed," She giggled...giggled. That's a good sign.

"Are you serious? Is...Is this real life?" I gripped the door and took in deep breaths, wow what even am I feeling?

"Yes, Harry. You are my friend, possibly my best friend," She smiled and I couldn't handle it any longer.

"A friend, I have a friend! I haven't had a friend since, I guess 12 years," I ran to her, and hugged her, tightly.

"I kind of can't breath," She said.

"Right sorry," I let go of her and smoothed out my shirt.


"How's the family, friend?" I emphasized.

"Good. It's only my mother and I, so not much to say," She chuckles nervously.

"What happened to your father?" She kept quiet, "If you don't mind me asking," I quickly said.

"He left. He ran away from his problems," She looked deep in thought and her mouth turned into a frown, she always seemed to do this when she was thinking about something going on in her life, I've noticed.

"Hey, you okay?" I nudged her with my hip.

She shook her head, looked up at me and smiled. A fake smile. She didn't look fine.

"I'm okay."


"Okay," She strained.

"Oh my God, you aren't augustus waters, and I'm not hazel okay?" She said before I even had the chance to say okay back.

I chuckled and sat down on the park bench beside her.

"How's your family, bro?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"This is the first time you said bro to me. Oh my lord." I say, laughing lightly.

"Relax..." She looked at me, "Friend," I squealed, a manly squeal of course, and hugged her again, possibly even tighter than the last time.

I hope you like it babies.💘

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