#7 Emptiness

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After the fateful night, Minhyun and Jiyeon has made a deal between themselves. They will continue their friendship and act like nothing happened before this. Yeah, Jiyeon requested for Minhyun to just forget their first kiss.

But it's always easier said than done.


*Jiyeon's POV*

KNOCK KNOCK. Someone knocked on my bedroom's door. "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Seoyun"

"Oh. Come in," I said to her. She came in my room with an awkward smile. I wonder why. It's been days since I last talked with her. I guess they don't want to disturb me since everything that has happened with Minhyun. I need some time alone anyways.

"What are you doing?" she asked while sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Revising some notes all of you have given me. I missed so many classes, I really need to catch up," I ended my sentences with a 'hahaha' to lighten up the mood.

"Oh. Are you busy then? I want to ask you something but if you're busy then I will ask you another time," she said carefully.

"Seoyun, why are you suddenly so awkward around me? You don't have to worry, I'm really okay now. And, you can ask me anything," I said with a smile.

She looks relieved. But I'm really curious now about the things she wanted to ask me.

"Another day when Chaewon, Yooinn and I came back late, Minseo said that she saw a car in front of our house and after that she saw.... Minhyun leaving our house. Is it really him?"

What do I tell her?

She must sensed my nervousness because after that she continues to say "it's really not my business so if you don't want to tell me--"

"Of course it's your business. This is your house too and you're my best friend. I will tell you everything."

She smiled to me.

I believe in her. So I should tell her right?

I told her everything. From A to Z. I left out nothing. She listened to me without saying anything and I'm grateful for that.

After I'm done talking, she started to bombard me with questions.

"What's the deal between the two of you? How long he stayed here that day? Are you sure no one noticed him in front of our house?"

"There's no breaking news yet, so I assumed no one notice," I answered her question with a chuckle. "The deal is we will continue being friends, nothing more nothing less."

After hearing my answer, she sighed heavily.

"Why are you sighing hmm? It's my problem, you don't have to feel bad or pity me. I told you that I'm okay right?" I asked her. To reassure her, I sat beside her and I rubbed her hands with a sincere smile.

"No, it's just that.... I don't know what's stopping you from accepting his love. I know that he didn't say he loves you yet but if he ignored all his doubts and anxiousness just to come here and see you, it must be love right? And you love him too right?"

"We only met thrice so it's impossible that he loves me. I loved him, yes I love him but it's like a bias-fans relationship, nothing more," I answered with a low voice, almost whispering.

"You should stop using that bias-fans excuse. I can see the way you look at him during the fansign. There's something more. And why would you be so heartbroken when he kissed you if you don't love him?"

What Seoyun said is true.

Being only friends is what I want. What I thought to be the best for the two of us, especially him. In fact, we're now like real friends. He's busy, no doubt, but he'll find time to text me, asking 'how is your day' and we'll text each other until midnight. Seeing his name on my phone screen really made my day.

I'm supposed to be happy, right?

But why do I still feel empty?


*Minhyun's POV*

I'm now texting Jiyeon asking her if she's having a good day today. This has became my routine everyday. I can't pass any day without texting her. I like her.

"You look very happy lately, is it because of that girl?" JR asked me. I didn't realize that he has been watching me for awhile.

"Yeah..." I answered him hesitantly. I've never told my members about the deal I made with Jiyeon. I don't want to burden them with my fucked up love life problem.

"You've been texting her, right? But why don't you just call her? Or meet her? I'm sure you're an expert to hide yourself from the crowd," he asked me, I can see that he's genuinely curious without the intention of being nosy. He's my leader after all.

"The crowd is not the real problem. She's the one who insisted for us to stay low and just being friends. She said we can meet whenever she comes to our fansign. And I don't want to call her because I don't want to make her uncomfortable," I said. If being friends is the only way I can keep on contacting her, then I'm willing to do it, rather than losing her.

"That must be difficult for you, Minhyun. I know you like her more than a fans. In fact, all of us know. But if this makes you happy enough, what can I do, right? As long as you're happy, we're happy for you too," he said. After that, he went to somewhere else, maybe the kitchen, maybe his room. But that's not my concern right now.

"You're happy, right?" I asked myself.

No, I feel empty.

To be continued ~~~

(A/N): OMG I LEFT THIS FF FOR ALMOST 4 MONTHS 😱 i'm sorry ㅠㅠ I dont really have the idea to continue this, but I don't want to delete this ff 😭😭 I'll try to update whenever I have good ideas :) anyways today is SEGNO DAY 1! I'M SO PROUD OF MINHYUN 😭💛💛 NU'EST TOO!!! ✊💞


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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