New town,New blood

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Pete's Pov

I look outside the car window watching the rain slowly fall down from the clouds. We've been driving for hours on end going through rough winds, hail hell even almost a tornado. I don't understand why we had to move so quickly after my 16th birthday. They said something about 'Finding me the right partner' for me or 'we need to find more suitable people like us to help the bloodline' it's all bullshit to me. I don't want to find my true love I rather just die than be with someone I probably don't love back "Mom,dad how much fucking  longer do we have to drive?" I groan. "It's Probably going to take a couple more hours okay? And watch your language Peter" my mother said as she turned her head around and looked me straight in the eye. I nod and put my ear bud back in turning up the voulum on my phone and leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

"PETER WAKE UP!" I jolt up hitting my head on the roof of the car and see my mom hands on her hips looking at me with a look of disgust in her face. "Go get your stuff from the truck and meet us at the kitchen table" and with that she turned away her heels clicking behind her. I rub my head,stretch out my body and get off my ass and go to the trunk getting out my bags. I looked up and haven't noticed it was dark out and the stars were shining bright. I slam the hood down and run to the front door and set down my stuff on the couch and head to the kitchen. I jump on the bar stool and see my mom and dad stop taking and  turn to me. "So for a while we are going to try a new alternative than blood" she spoke as she poked her two pointer fingers together. "Wait what do you mean by an Alternative to blood?" I mock her. My father sighs "Peter we just moved to this town and we don't already want to cuase attention to us we will only be doing this for a little while before we are welcomed" he said. I cross my arms and scrunch my nose up making a disgusted look. "Come on Peter just try it okay?" She says in a bit of a pleading manner as she set her hand on my chest. I pause and sigh "Fineeee" she smiles and turns around and looks around in the black bag and pulls out a small packet and tosses it to me. She leaves the room with me and just my dad "Also next week you are going to be staring school here"
               Time skip  (1 week)

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring in my ears. I turn over and slam my hand down making it stop. I stay in my bed for a bit before getting off and start getting ready for school. After I'm done putting on the first pair of clean clothes I see I head to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. And surprise surprise I can't see myslef I just sigh and do what i needed to do in the first place. I finish up and head down stairs. I flop myslef on the couch and do some random shit on my phone. I hear a loud "Ahem" before looking up to see my mom standing over me. "Get off that phone of yours and come we don't want to be late on your first day" I roll my eyes and sling my backpack over my shoulder and start heading to the car with her. As i always do I plug in my ear buds and blast any song by misfits or green day. After a couple of minutes we pull up to building I notice some kids heading inside or some outside sitting on the steps "bye mom" I say in a hushed voice and get out of the car as fast as I can "oh Peter honey before you go I need to tell you something" I stop and turn back to her "can you at least meet someone? Okay? they don't have to be like us you can choose a human but we would prefer it better if you choose someone of your own kind" I nod and say "okay" to her and head off to 2nd hell. I push the door open to see a hall packed with people talking and it's loud. I quickly walk through the mob of teens and try find my locker '103 103 103' I repeat In my head. That's when BAM! I crash into another kid and fell straight to the floor. "Oh were sorry are you Okay?!" I crank my head up to see two boys one with curly brown hair and one with longish ginger hair I guess. "I'm okay I guess" I say as i stand up and brush my legs. "Well hi I'm Andy and this is joe" he nudges at the other boy. "Sup I'm Joe" he spoke casually. "Um I'm Peter but I like to be called Pete" i rub my hand behinde my neck 'God this is so awkward' I say to myself. 'Andy' nods "so I suppose you're new here right Pete?" He questions. "Yeah I um moved here last week with my mom and dad" we speak for a bit before I say I have to find my locker which that leads to finding out that I share a couple classes with Joe and some with Andy. I walk around for a bit until I find it. locker 1 0 fucking 3. I relax my shoulder and turn in my code, it doesn't work i try again still won't work. After the 4th try im a bit. Frustrated and I kick it 2 times which hurt like HELL and pop! It opens FIANLLY. I smile proudly and set my books in and take the ones I need for class which is English my most hated subject.

(( so um hope you like the beginning to this and I would like to Thank a good freind of mine for coming up with the title and stay sober stay safe))

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