You look so good in blue♡

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Pete's POV (TW mentions of self harm)

Our classes were the same besides some, which sucks. He seems like such a sweetheart HELL! he even apologized when I bumped into his shoulder. He's very i don't know how to explain it... on alert? Yeah he's always looking behind himself or standing very close to me. I don't mind he's strangely warm and my cold ass needs my own personal heater.

"Is this class almost over?" I poked him on the side of his cheek "Patrick, Patrickkk pat-"

"Pete i swear if you call me pat one more time i am going to choke you"

"Kinky" i wink at him and go back working on my work, glancing at him i could tell he was flustered. To be honest i really can't focus on this goddamn algebra "um mr. Armstrong c-can i go to the bathroom?" He nods and i basically bolt out of my seat, god im hungry...... no i can't..... i it hit me i  killed that poor boy he could be no more close to my age he could of gotten through the year but i just had to feast. "H-hey" i turn around it was the purple hair guy that i saw in the halls "um have you seen my freind? His name is Otto he has long brown curly hair he hasn't come to school yet but um im getting worried so.. have you've seen him" my whole body tenses up, my lungs are on fire i can barely speak "n-no I'm sorry" he had a solemn look and smiled forcefully "it's okay he'll show up thanks anyways" he walked away with that letting the conversation float in the air waiting for someone else to pick it up. I slip into the bathroom, the tears are already pouring out i can't breathe i can't. panic stars to sink deep in my heart, oh god they're gonna know it's me oh shit oh shit- 

"p-pete are you okay? Mr. Armstrong asked me to check on you"

Patrick. Oh poor Patrick. He doesn't deserve to see me like this he just doesn't need to see me so weak. "I'm. I'm okay" his soft smile transform into a worried frown. "Are you sure? You look shaken up did something happen?" I shift my gaze to the side not wanting to look at him anymore. He lets out a small sigh and walks closer to me "you can tell me anything Pete i won't judge i promise" he placed his hand on mine. I suddenly felt all warm like i can actaully trust him with anything and everything. "Sorry i just um got overwhelmed going to new school not knowing anything and feeling all alone.."  he smiles at me "it's okay i understand especially the last part i always feel like im alone in this world even if i have people around me i just feel like a ghost" i felt a smile creep up on my face it's been a long time since one has graced me. He understands me i think so......

Patrick POV

I walk him out and go back to class he still seemed shaken up but he wasn't having a panic attack anymore. For the rest of it he just sits and plays around with his pencil doodling and writing things down. The bell rings, finally i can go home and have a breakdown trying to do algebra. But first i need to see Mikey I've been too busy with Pete to even talk to him at lunch and i feel bad. He was hanging by his locker talking to Ray, even though he was one of Gerards freinds he was good i guess and Mikey seemed to enjoy his company so i did too. He was actually kind and sweet once you get to know him,

"hey mikes" his face instantly lights up
"Patrick!! Where were you, you barely talked to me all day?" Usually Mikey would be fine with us not hanging out all day sometimes we need our space sometime but when i don't talk to him he worries a bit. "I was busy with showing the new kid around I'm sorry " he shows me a soft smile "oh it's okay! Hey say you wanna get out of here and hang out with me and mr. Tough guy over here" he gestures to Ray. "Hell yes" hanging out all day with Mikey was basically my only way to get away from home and everything the he means a lot to me. He's my only freind I've got in this dying town, if only he wasn't Gerards little brother... i don't think he even knows that his older brother he looks up so much is the thing he despises the most. The only reason why he's here in this shitty ass school is cuase he got bullied at his old one and im not talking about him getting teased once and a while he was beaten up on the daily, stuffed into lockers. Gerard only knew about it when he came home crying with his face all bruised up. Being the protective older brother Gerard is he kick the shit out of thoes kids and got expelled and now look st him doing that to other people including myself. If i only i could tell him but he's got a rocky relationship with him and i don't want to destroy it with my mouth. So I'm silent i don't tell him how many times I'm called "useless" or "fatass" each day by him or all the bruises i have cuase of him and how much his words have been engraved into my skin and forever will until it will fade into only a scar but he made a deep enough cut for me to have many on my legs and on my wrist. No one will ever know not even Mikey. It will break him, it would make him just as broken as i am and i don't want it for him he doesn't deserve it not even a bit of it he deserves to be cared for, accepted and loved unlike me.

( i almost cried while writing this :^) also hope you enjoy Pete and Patrick starting up the soon to be relationship ;^) but this is slow burn so- bye!!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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