Hostage. Chapter 1, Kidnapped.

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"It is a peacefull night, I don't expect anything to happen,

I just came from work. This town doesn't have much civilians anyways.." Mark texted to his mother. while driving. As his mother texted back "Just be carefull please."

Mark stopped at a stopsign, looking around to see if there where any cars coming.

No cars came so Mark drove further, Looking at his phone again.

He texted to his mother "Don't worry about me, I'm old enough to protect myself."

As he arrived at stopsign again. He looked in his mirror, and noticed a car behind him with bright lights. "Jesus, My eyes." Mark whispered to himself. The car seemed to come closer, almost hitting the bumper of Mark's car. He honked at the car, and drove further. "What the hell was he trying.." Mark mumbled while looking in his mirror. The car was still behind him, not to far away. Mark took the next turn, hoping that the car would stop following him.

He looked in his mirror again, he saw the car still behind him.

Mark then decided to pull over to see if the car would pull over too.

The car would drive slowly past Mark's car, Mark thinking he was gonna drive off.

But instead the stalker pulled over in front of him, Turning his light off.

Mark started breathing heavily, and panic, he locked his car.

It then stayed quiet for a few minutes.

Mark kept an eye on the cars door.

Then the door opened, and a guy with a black hoodie stepped out.

The guy faced Mark's car. Mark looked at him, disturbed by the terrifying smile the man had.

The guy was holding something, it was so dark Mark couldn't see what it was.

Then the man stepped closer, and Mark saw he was holding a gun.

Thats when Mark started backing up, Reaching for his phone.

The man shot at his window, and Mark stopped in fear the man would shoot him.

Mark put his hands up, and the man came closer to his door. The man attempted to open Mark's door, but it was locked. The man started ramming the window with his gun.

The window broke, Pieces of glass shattering into Mark's arm.

"AHH! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" Mark screamed.

The man unlocked the door from inside and opened it. The man grabbed Mark's arm and pull him out, dragging Mark into his car. Mark didnt say a word, he was just filled with fear.

When the man put him in his car, Mark reached for his phone. The man glanced at him, and looked back to his steering wheel. It was quiet for a while, and the man then whispered something. "Call the cops.." Mark looked at the man, and reached for his phone. "Okay.." Mark whispered.
Mark typed the number in, and called 911. A woman picked up, Talking full volume

"Hello what's your emergency?" Mark immediately turned down his volume. "M..Ma'am be more quiet please.." Mark whispered in the phone as the man drove off with him. "What's wrong?" The operator asked him. "I..I'm being kidnapped.." Mark whispered. "Okay, Stay as calm as possible, im switching you over to the police." Mark waited for a frightening minute, as someone finally picked up. "Hello?" A cop whispered, Seeming like he was already aware of what was going on. "Help me.." Mark whispered. "Sir, We are gonna try our best, Just stay calm, Is the kidnapper near you?"

"Y..Yes he is driving.. Near a barn.." Mark said, while shaking.
"Alright, We are sending units to the barn you're at, may I know the full location?" The cop said, while typing something on his computer. "Yes, Of course, My location is.. Near state park." Mark then waited for a while, when he heard the cop again. "Alright, Did you ask the kidnapper what he wants?"
Thats when the kidnapper turned around, Smiling.
The kidnapper reached for Mark's phone, and grabbed it.
"Hey!" Mark screamed. "Shut it." The kidnapper said.
The kidnapper started talking to the cop, Mark could only hear some mumbling. "I want money and a police car." Mark heard the kidnapper say.

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