Chapter 2, Bleeding.

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Mark tried to stay calm as he was waiting for the kidnapper to give his phone back. In the meanwhile Mark tried to stop the bleeding from the glass that was stuck in his arm. He grabbed a blanket from the backseat and wrapped it around his wound, the wound starting to hurt even more. "A..argh, That hurts.." Mark whispered to himself while keeping an eye on the kidnapper.
The kidnapper turned around, giving Mark's phone back.
Mark noticed something strange on the back of his phone, he turned his phone around to look what it was, and he saw a note saying "Don't call them back.. I did the job." Mark looked at it, looking back at the kidnapper. "So..-"
Mark whispered but the kidnapper cut him off. "SHUT UP I SAID, ONE MORE WORD AND.." The kidnapper screamed. "And..?" Mark said, as he got curious but he wasn't aware of the dangerous situations he could cause by talking back. "I said.. Shut up, i'm not joking." The kidnapper was quiet for a while again. Mark was still waiting for a sign of the cops. Then his phone started ringing, it were the cops again. Mark quickly picked up, hoping the kidnapper didn't hear it.. But he did.. Mark put the blanket over his head, and put the phone against his ear. "H..Hello?" Mark whispered. The kidnapper still didn't do anything so Mark thought he didn't notice. "Hello, are you still alright?" The cop said.
"I'm fine.." Mark whispered while peeking from under the blankets.
"Alright, The kidnapper told us everything he wants and the consequences." The cop said while writing something down on paper.
"Okay.. Will I get out alive..?" Mark whispered. "We will try our best okay? I'm sure you will." The cop said. "Just keep following the orders of the kidnapper.."
"Okay.. My arm really hurts.." Mark said, as the cop responded back "What happened..?" "Theres glass stuck in my arm.." Mark said. "Okay, keep something around your wound or on your wound that stops the bleeding."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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